Sierra Leone is one very interesting country indeed. People - TopicsExpress


Sierra Leone is one very interesting country indeed. People who have been dismissed from their jobs in Europe for serious professional misconduct are instantly rewarded with top positions upon returning home. If you were dismissed by the Metropolitan Police in the UK the chances are you will never find any job in the public sector in this country. Even in the private sector the chances of you ever gaining employment are slim as criminal record checks are carried out very rigorously nowadays. But if you return to Sierra Leone you can easily land yourself a job as head of security for a mining company. If you were an ex immigration official who lost your job as a result of gross misconduct you will sure find yourself in a top government job upon returning home If you happen to commit a crime in America and you are on the FBIs wanted list you can easily become vice president when you flee to Sierra Leone. With all these sorts of drama unfolding it is all becoming very clear to me why every Tom, Dick and Harry is rushing to return home to look for work they cannot find anywhere else on earth. Lots of people return home not to run some sort of business that they own but to feed off the state as there is an endless supply of money to burn whilst the party they support or claim to belong to is in power. I can see some people here in London who do not even have a proper job but are looking forward to being the next MP for so and so constituency come the next general elections in 2017. Another interesting point to note is that most people going home to work or get involved in politics are foreign passport holders with their families already living in Europe and the United States. One thing is clear . The only reason everyone is rushing to go home is to go and get money in a few years they will never earn here in a lifetime so they can pay off mortgages and educate their children who will never return to Africa. I personally could not care less the way any individual spends his or her money as long as it is earned legally. But when ones sees some people bragging openly about how good things are going for them despite the fact that many of them are not suitable to be appointed to the posts they occupy, it is easy to see why Africa is still a very long way from ever developing.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 12:51:13 +0000

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