Silicea for Structure By: Susan L. Guran /EQUINE - TopicsExpress


Silicea for Structure By: Susan L. Guran /EQUINE wellness Silicea is a common homeopathic remedy that can initiate rapid and dramatic shifts in health. It is also among a small handful of remedies that help to successfully treat Lyme disease. Silicea is derived from quartz, an abundant mineral that supports the structure of bone, cartilage, connective tissue, hair, skin and nails. These structures present the issues that are fortified by this remedy. WHAT ARE ITS CHARACTERISTICS? In almost every case I have treated constitutionally with Silicea, the following characteristics were present: • A lanky, sometimes “bony” looking body or face • A head that appears larger than normal in relation to body size • Large, soft eyes • A “soft” personality • Slower than normal responses • A tendency to excessive tripping and stumbling • Awkward movement and/or general lack of coordination • Some body parts appearing insubstantial to the whole, with an inability to unify them The animal in need of Silicea appears to lack sufficient support for dynamic movement and function. Yet his clumsiness does not cause frustration; the horse accepts his ungainliness as though his body is incapable of more harmonious movement. He may look sickly or undernourished or demonstrate an overall sense of fragility, even if he is quite large. This fragility could be physical, emotional or both. He will arouse feelings of protectiveness in you. In the case of Lyme disease, the situation often appears dire before it is recognized. You may notice a level of slowness and fatigue that causes excessive effort in carrying out basic movements, such as walking. The horse will be depressed and shy, with a tendency to withdraw. He will be disturbed by the presence of others even if they are not very close to him, but in his feeble state may simply pin his ears back as the most he can muster in response to a perceived intrusion. THE SILICEA CYCLE The elements that form the Silicea cycle follow. You will need to collect your own examples of each to confirm that the remedy is accurate for your case: • Frailty, weakness Weak spine, shyness, teeth break down, weak joints • Sensitivity to the outside world Hiding, aversion to light or sound, sensitivity to grooming • Seeking protection Over-compliance, passivity, closing up, anticipatory anxiety • Stiffness or rigidity Arthritis, scars, constipation, hard swellings • Restlessness or anxiety Inflammation, twitching limbs • Cracks, fissures Brittle, rough, splitting hooves • Discharges Perspiration, pustular eruptions Silicea is often used in cases of “failure to thrive”. Observing the horse that needs this remedy gives rise to the feeling that his very structure cannot support his growth or expression, regardless of the care he receives. This is the very thing that makes the need for Silicea so evident and valuable. Ultimately, this remedy provides access to what is missing, so your horse can flourish as he is meant to.
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 13:11:55 +0000

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