Simon Peter versus Simon the Sorcerer It all began in Acts - TopicsExpress


Simon Peter versus Simon the Sorcerer It all began in Acts Chapter 8 verses 9 through 24. [Simon believed and was baptized. Outwardly he was a Christian but his belief was only superficial and he was still a pagan at heart. He coveted the apostolic office and saw the opportunity of using Christianity to make money — a business corporation masquerading as the church of Christ!! Those who casually read this section of Scripture may get the mistaken notion that Simon wanted only to buy the Holy Spirit. Yes, he wanted that -- but his main intention went far beyond. He had eyes on becoming an APOSTLE! Peter immediately perceived his intention and said You have neither PART nor LOT in this matter (Verse 21). The true Apostles had been chosen after Christ’s death to take PART in the apostleship by LOT (Acts 1:25, 26). Peter was telling Simon he couldnt buy an APOSTLESHIP. Luke is showing that Simon wanted to be one of the APOSTLES -- a top man in the Christian Church. He was after that office. After all Simon imagined himself to be fully qualified to be an APOSTLE, especially over the Samaritans since they already looked to him as the greatest religious leader of the age. However, Peter rebuked him sternly. Peter perceived that Simon was in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity [lawlessness] (Verse 23). This makes it plain. Peter was uttering a prophecy by the Holy Spirit. He was telling what this Simon was to become. Peter’s words, literally, mean: ‘I regard you as a man whose influence WILL BE like that of bitter gall [poison] and a bond of unrighteousness [lawlessness], or, as a man who has reached such a state’. Gall of Bitterness Defined It is also interesting to note Peter’s statement that Simon was to become a gall of bitterness. People today may not realize the exact meaning of such a phrase, but no Jew in the First Century was in any doubt as to its meaning. It was a figure of speech adopted from the Old Testament which denoted going over to the idols and abominations of the heathen. Read Deuteronomy 29:16-18 and see how plainly this figure of speech is used. When the Apostle Peter applied to Simon Magus the phrase gall of bitterness, he meant that Simon would be the responsible party for the introduction of heathen beliefs and idols into Christianity. The prophecy takes on a new and important scope when we realize this real meaning of Peter’s prophecy. No wonder Jude later says, speaking about the very men who followed Simon Magus (including Simon himself): For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ORDAINED to this condemnation (Verse 4). We can be confident that Peter recognized that Satan was going to use this Simon Magus as the GREAT PROTAGONIST OF FALSE CHRISTIANITY. Simon Magus Unrepentant Even after Peter’s strong rebuke, Simon DID NOT REPENT! And Peter knew that he wouldnt! He deliberately continued in this error, with his later followers -- calling himself Christian! It is because of the later deceptive activities of this would-be Apostle that Luke was compelled to show his ignominious beginning and to reveal what Peter prophesied about him.] By the late E. L. Martin Theres a lesson to be learned regarding those who covet an office which doesnt belong to them. Ironically there were only 13 Apostles (special messengers) whom were qualified for that station at the launch of the Gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ that delivered the Good News all throughout the earth...yet, suddenly there are hundreds, if not thousands who claim to be Apostles right here on Facebook alone. People who do not have the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT operating within them. My only point is: if one is truly an Apostle, why is it necessary to place the title before ones name? The Apostles didnt put the title before their names. John the Baptist said that he must decrease in order that Christ may increase. All glory goes to God alone. He does not share His glory with anyone. Not even an apostle.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 22:53:27 +0000

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