Simple fuzzy search algorithm similar to sublimeText this is a - TopicsExpress


Simple fuzzy search algorithm similar to sublimeText this is a simple algorithm to give a similar result as SublimeText search feature, if you dont use sublimeText i think you should just give it a shot from here : sublimetext to know more about fuzzy search you should check this wiki page: the idea is simple, when you search for a text and you cant remember only part of it or you miss some characters while typing the search should be smart enough to show you what youre searching for, so your algorithm should search for the query characters and allow any character to be followed by any other character sequence. after you get strings that contain your query the fuzzy why, you should rank them, i choose the simple one, if you found your exact query your matching pattern will be the least of them in length and if another patter has query plus one character you missed it will be the second in search, and so on. so i sorted ascending order by the matching pattern length. a smarter algorithm should check if there are 2 matching and get the best one also should check if you wrote a wrong character, and if you switched two characters and so on of the operations mentioned in wikipedia. gist : https://gist.github/9484194
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 12:22:05 +0000

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