Since everyone has worked so hard this past month. Last Night - TopicsExpress


Since everyone has worked so hard this past month. Last Night Humboldt High-Impact convince me to play Hoover ball for the second time. Tonight Falls City High Impact will follow. Excellent work this last month! You have all completed some extremely difficult circuits. Hoover-ball is a combination of tennis, volleyball and medicine ball. White House physician Admiral Joel T. Boone invented the game to keep President Hoover physically fit. It required less skill than tennis, was faster and more vigorous, and therefore gave more exercise in a short time, Hoover wrote in his Memoirs. It is more strenuous than either boxing, wrestling or football, wrote Will Irwin, a friend of Hoovers, in a 1931 article The President Watches His Waistline in Physical Culture magazine. It has the virtue of getting at nearly every muscle in the body. Stopping a eight-pound ball with steam back of it, returning it with similar steam, is not pink-tea stuff, DuPuy wrote. Dr. Boone estimates that as much beneficial exercise is obtained from half an hour of it (Hoover-ball) as from three times as much tennis or six times as much golf.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 19:05:45 +0000

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