Since the beginning of our journey, upon taking this forum over, I - TopicsExpress


Since the beginning of our journey, upon taking this forum over, I made a promise to myself that I would only post messages of inspiration and that told Knoxs story of bravery and strength or glorified our God in the highest. My apologies for the the delay in posting, but we have had a wild summer full of excitement, surprises and much uncertainty. We knew that 2014 was going to be our year, but we never expected that God was leading us outside of our comfort zone to help build His kingdom. We decided to start fresh, not knowing where God would lead us, and put our house on the market at the one year mark of Knoxs diagnosis on July 3rd. We left for the beach and within 48 hours we had an offer and sold our house. Three weeks later, we were moving out of our first home as newlyweds and where Knox was brought home from the hospital, and were what we now call nomads. When we originally decided to list our house, my girlfriends kept asking, where are yall moving and my answer was always, wherever God leads us and choses where he wants us to be. Of course, we want to stay in the area we are in and did have our plan, however we all know that the best laid plans are not always Gods plans. So, insert Gods plan for our BIG adventure here... Fred has been doing work in the southeast coastal region and we decided with help from his company that it would be best if we took this time to temporarily the beach! I spent several weeks trying to find a beach condo to rent and just when I began to get discouraged and think there was just no place for us here in Orange Beach, AL, God showed up and connected us with the most gracious owner of multiple condos here in the Gulf, who after hearing our story, wanted nothing more than to just get us here, get to know us and love on us. And because of her, our connection and her generosity, our new journey has begun. After a move, putting all of our stuff in storage, living out of suitcases and not really knowing where we will land, I have been emotionally and physically drained, with no more words of faith, rejuvenation and messages to help build the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. I have been overwhelmed and praying diligently that the words would come to me, yet I have been feeling worthless, as if the enemy is just suppressing all I have to say. We live in such a dark world and I have been feeling like a light, however nothing of authenticity or of any value has been being spoken to me UNTIL NOW. My sweet sorority sister, Ashley, who was our Chaplain, was my lamp that shined Jesus light during college to help show me the way in a time of confusion and harvesting. In the Bible, The Lord compares a mustard seed to a weak faith, and that is what I had. However, her glowing faith helped sow the seed of Gods word in my life and has continued the development of my faith and life into a great Christian tree of outreach. She was a HUGE part in calling me to help in the planting of me then and immediately came back to continue to prune me, after we lost touch, once Knox was diagnosed. I cant thank her enough for listening to the Holy Spirits calling to do just that. I want my faith to shine great and stronger every day, as I continue each day to grow closer to Christ while continuing to spread the Gospel, and most of the time I just am at a loss for words. So, tonight I want to use hers.... Sometimes I wonder if Im making a difference. I mean a real difference in the world and for the Kingdom. What am I doing with my life that really matters? I know, I know, raising children is no small feat, and raising God-fearing, respectful leaders of tomorrow is a huge task. But sometimes I get lost in the day to day monotony of dirty dishes, putting away the same toys, refereeing over who had what first, and the endless pile of laundry. Seriously...there is always more laundry! Can anyone relate?? But tonight, God allowed my 3 year old to speak to that place in my heart that longs to change the world and truly make a difference. You see, God is teaching me (sometimes in the monotony) that its the small victories that often matter most. Serving. Seeking. Making small but significant choices of faithfulness...and rejoicing in the victories they bring. Im thankful for the clarity God often gives me in the most unexpected moments. So heres what happened tonight... We were leaving the farm and saw a doe standing in the middle of the road. I waited for her to decide which way to run, only she couldnt decide. First to the right then back to the left until finally a baby emerged and ran across the road with her. The doe jumped a fence to safety only the baby was unable to make it across. So, the kids and I sat and watched as the scared baby ran alongside (and several times into) the barbed wire fence in search of its mama. Ansley became very upset stating that the baby couldnt survive separated from its mother as we watched the terrified little thing run in the opposite direction. She asked me what we were going to do to help reunite them and I tried to comfort her. It was then that Austin piped up with, Mom, we need to pray for that deer! And while I drove away he began to pray, Dear God, please be with the baby deer and keep it safe and be with the mommy deer, too. Be still my heart! In that one moment of childlike faith and sincerity, I remembered the big picture.To teach my children to turn to Christ in the midst of fear or triumph IS my calling. And what a precious calling at that. Truly it is a privilege to walk beside these three delightful little people and through the chaos, tears, screams, laughter, joy, frustration, and sorrow, model for them the unconditional loving presence of their heavenly Father. I want them to always know that turning to God is the first and the best response and that He does care...for the deer and for each of them. And that will allow me to change the world...or at least my little piece of it! Blessings, Ashley Thank you, my sweet friend and sister for showing up exactly when I needed you and being there for me more times than you knew. I have learned through your faith, your ability to lead ladies through prayer, especially in college, and from your constant presence in my life. I am so blessed that God put you in my life and I am proof that YOU are making a REAL difference in this world AND in HIS kingdom. My prayer is that this message that you felt so compelled to share with me will make other moms like us, feel that the every day monotony of doing loads of laundry, tending to a house, referring fights, putting away toys and raising those precious babies to be God-fearing leaders is a love so endearing that can move mountains AND build His Kingdom in monumental ways. Pi Love, Kim
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 02:50:50 +0000

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