Since the inception of this evil spirit Ebola, I have read many fb - TopicsExpress


Since the inception of this evil spirit Ebola, I have read many fb posts, heard many comments, listened to many narratives but what beats my imagination is Christians professing/confessing fear. We as children of God must fear Him ONLY. We must know that fear is the window of opportunity for the devil to enter our territory and subsequently our lives. This is the time to prove our Christianity; the time to win souls. Our Bible let us know that our mouth is a well/fountain of life (Prov. 10:11a) therefore I urge us to prophesy life into your individual homes, communities, street corners, offices, health sectors n Liberia at large. Secondly whatever we bound/loose on earth so take place in Heaven. So I challenge us to change our tongues and speak with the authority we have as Children of the Most High. In Acts 17:27, Paul says God did this so that men would seek Him.......though He is not far from each one of us. There are many churches in this nation. I cannot count how many are in my community let alone province. God says we we call upon Him, He will answer and show us great and mighty things we know not (Jer 33:3). The cure or abolition/eradication is know exemption. It is about time now we lean not on our own understanding but acknowledge God that He may Guide our hearts, minds to a resolution of this deadly plaque/pestilence. It is sad that doctors n nurses are being affected (May their souls rest in peace) but it is a lesson to be learnt. Only God saves in this situation. He is the Only Wise God (Jude 25). I could go on..... but will break here. CHRISTIANS, humble yourselves, turn away from SIN, SEEk Gods face and PRAY, He will hear from Heaven and HEAL our Land. Stop giving credence to this Ebola by professing/confessing Fear. Amen. (Forgive my typos)
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 23:12:27 +0000

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