Since were all friends and supporters of the West Memphis 3, I - TopicsExpress


Since were all friends and supporters of the West Memphis 3, I decided to post this. Ive watched it before, of course, but not in a long time. If you can stomach it, try to watch all three parts of this bullshit YouTube video made by a non called, Damien Echols - Hex, Lies and Videotape.. Ive never seen such flawed logic in my life. EXAMPLE: In part 3, the person who made this bogus video is trying to establish that Damien Echols is lying about being afraid of being stabbed or hit in the back of the head, when one claimed to be in solitary confinement 24/7 ITS A PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All it would take is one dirty prison guard letting it happen. ITS A FING PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN AT ANY MOMENT VERY, VERY EASILY!!! Believe that! And he said he was afraid of being stabbed or whatever.... The position this video takes is that Damien is lying about being fearful of being stabbed or hit on the back of the head....... IN A FING PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was on death row, Id have A SHITLOAD OF PARANOID FEARS TOO. ITS AN FING PRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notice how nearly 100% of the information contained within the text parts of the video have no sources listed (that means its bullshit hearsay). except for the notorious Exhibit 500 that details Damiens mental health struggles as an alienated teenager. Yeah, he said some words in that document that sound bad, but he was a troubled teenager with mental issues / problems, whatever you want to call it. The nons always say, In Exhibit 500, Damien said he wanted to kill his father or something closely to that effect. HE WAS A KID. Think back to when you were a kid and ask yourself, honestly, throughout the course of your life and Ill bet many people can recall saying some off-the-cuff remark like that as a teenager. Teens have LOTS of reasons to get pissed off at their parents, and just because Damien said that.... it means nothing. Mental health patients often have a history of making angry statements like that... Ive certainly done it myself with my bi-polar disorder to blame. In the end though, I dont care, because A STATEMENT MADE BY A TROUBLED TEENAGER IN A MENTAL INSTITUTION IS NO EVIDENCE OF MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im sorry, Im getting angry again. These nons are so stupid. Thanks for letting me rant. Love you guys! https://youtube/watch?v=SGWa4KomcuA
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 11:15:21 +0000

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