Six Undeniable Facts: 1: Diversity is not our greatest - TopicsExpress


Six Undeniable Facts: 1: Diversity is not our greatest strength like those stupid commercials say. Diversity doesnt matter. It doesnt matter if people are black or white or Asian or Hispanic or striped or polka-dotted. What matters is whether theyre good people; their color is irrelevant. 2: By the same token (pun intended)... regarding elected officials: It doesnt matter whether a candidate is black or white, male or female, healthy or handicapped, fat or thin. What matters is whether they agree with the Founding Fathers or not. If they dont acknowledge their fundamental obligation to shrink government and zealously protect citizens liberty, they dont belong in government at ANY level. 3: Chardonnay is poison. Most people are allergic to it. Most people who get headaches or stomach aches after drinking Chardonnay think its because they just cant handle their wine, or that they didnt eat enough food or something... but its not that at all. It has nothing to do with the quality or the brand or the country of origin; its just the grape. Most people - not all, but most - have a severe allergy to the Chardonnay grape. Dont buy this poison. There are a million good wines; please dont buy any that include Chardonnay, even in part. 4: The Supreme Court is not the last word on the Constitution. In fact, EVERY level of government, and EVERY officeholder, has an obligation to uphold the Constitution. The recent idiocy of Congress passing bills, and the President signing them, with the plan that the Court will clean it up must end. No one should ever support unconstitutional actions. 5: Even if youve never seen a Sid Caesar television show, you owe him a great debt because of the entertainment careers that he launched. Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, Neil Simon, Mel Tolkin, Larry Gelbart, Carl Reiner, Howard Morris... these masters have contributed more to American entertainment than the writers of thousands of other shows put together. 6: Vote fraud is the greatest single problem in America, and nothing else will improve in our poisonous politics as long as we tolerate this growing epidemic. We desperately need to eliminate all the tools recently added to make vote fraud easier to commit - things like early voting, unquestioned absentee voting, no-ID-required voting, mail-in voting, touchscreen voting, and unprosecuted multiple voting. Any politician who opposes such reforms and favors the continuation of these criminal-enabling errors needs to be recognized for what he is: a practitioner of this very crime. John F. Di Leo
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 04:16:34 +0000

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