Skyline (2010). ***Reminder: Turn your brain back on after - TopicsExpress


Skyline (2010). ***Reminder: Turn your brain back on after viewing...*** The box on this one states: It was supposed to be a simple birthday weekend in Southern California. But when sunrise arrives two hours early in the form of a haunting light from an unknown source, a group of friends watch in terror as people across the city are drawn outside and swept into massive alien ships that have blotted out the L.A. skyline. From tankers to drones and hydra-like extraterrestrials, the aliens are inescapable and seemingly indestructible. Now, it will take every survival instinct the group has to elude capture in this riveting, action-packed sci-fi adventure starring Eric Balfour (The Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Donald Faison (Scrubs) and Scottie Thompson (Star Trek). Just read the synopsis on the box, check out the cover, and that is all you need to really know about this one. That is about as complex as the story gets, and the eye candy that the box art sports is what you are in for. It is basically a B-Movie about aliens sucking people up into their mother ships, and themselves, with the sole purpose of sucking out their brains (as the movie intends to do to its viewers) with grand special effects aplenty. If you can accept that, you stand a chance. They do interject that old Night of the Living Dead argument...should I stay or should I go...? Let me explain. In Night of the Living Dead, the whole argument was, do we stay upstairs where the zombies can get in, but we still have a chance to run if we have to, or do we barricade ourselves in the basement where it is more secure, but have no where to run? I hope after all the years of viewing that film everyone has figured out the answer. While it is true you can always run to the basement so at least you have a chance if you stay upstairs, in the end, you will have to run down those stairs. The whole argument is absurd in and of itself and invalid. You are damned if you do and damned if you dont. You CANNOT escape death, so enjoy the time you have. That is the point in and of itself. In this case it is a choice between staying in a building and waiting for help that may or may not ever come, or make a run for it, on a wing and a prayer with little to no hope. This is about as thought provoking as this one gets. I kind of enjoyed the absurd action and bleak yet uplifting and ambiguous ending (how the hell was I supposed to feel again...?). If you catch this one in the right frame of mind (blank, with the idiot left on for safety), you just might enjoy yourself. Dont expect much, because other than as the aforementioned eye candy, a few creepy and mildly suspenseful scenes, this one gives exactly what the box art and blub suggests and not much more. Acting is decent enough for this type of affair and special effects range from outstanding (the ships, light they emit, people sucked up into the craft and some of the alien effects) to sub par (again, some of the alien effects...some are a bit much and come off as cartoon-like). Check your brain at the door (pun intended) and this one just might absorb you long enough to enjoy the mindless entertainment that it actually is... I did. Now...***REMINDER***...switch brain back on.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 02:45:48 +0000

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