Sleeping In I went to bed at 9:00 pm last night, having been - TopicsExpress


Sleeping In I went to bed at 9:00 pm last night, having been awake for 25 hours. I woke up once during the night, fell back asleep, and got out of bed just before 6 am. It felt good to get more sleep than Im accustomed to. But all is not well. My neck and body are a little stiff, because I slept too long. If only I had stayed awake that first time I woke up, then maybe my neck and body wouldnt hurt. Isnt it amazing how we second guess ourselves? If only...maybe...I should have...these thoughts run through our heads over and over again, playing havoc with our hearts. As I wrote this, I was reminded of Noahs funeral on Monday morning. Pastor Randy mentioned the exact same thing in his sermon during the funeral, how people will think about what they should have or could have done differently...if only, then maybe... It isnt fair, or right to second guess ourselves. It is the enemy working inside of us who is trying to derail us from our Christian walk. If we let him, he can find the tiniest of cracks and infiltrate our exterior, going straight for our heart and mind. He wants to do anything and everything he can to turn us away from Christ. We cant let him. We must be strong in our faith, and we must encourage others to do the same. Our goal is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, not cower in the shadows of fear, afraid of anything and everything. This morning, as my stiff neck and body sit here in the quiet solitude, I encourage you to spend time in the Word, to strengthen your faith. Talk to people about Jesus, and the relationship that you have with the Lord. Let others know what a difference he has made in your life. Share your story. Then, help others to do the same thing. We have received so many blessings from God, but some days it is hard for us to see that, for we are being distracted by the enemy. Friends, these are the times that require us to press on, to fight even harder, to strengthen our resolve to be even better disciples of Jesus. Read the message. Take the message to heart. Live the message. Share the message with others. Thats what it means to be a believer in Jesus. But dont just be a believer. Be a disciple. Bring others to the Lord. Thats how you prevent others from sleeping in. Amen. ~John Lloyd~
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 11:31:28 +0000

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