So 21 years after welcoming my first child into the world, I have - TopicsExpress


So 21 years after welcoming my first child into the world, I have spent the evening with him at the pub. Im only praying that he hasnt drunk and eaten so much that I end up having to burp him and change his nappy at one in the morning. Times change and children grow up but you still have the wonderful memories of the sweet little baby that you bring home from hospital and then watch them grow into a lovely young man. I wish I could say that all the moments with Sam have been amazing, but some of them, at the time, were nothing short of horrific. I thought Id share a few of them with you now. The first is from when he was a toddler - probably about fifteen months old. Our house at the time was a bit antiquitated. The kitchen was a ruin and the bathroom was downright nasty. It had proper old floor boards and a manky carpet. Needless to say it was a haven for some of the more nasty creatures in our wonderful world. Early one morning, as I was at having breakfast before work, Sam was grubbing around on the floor next to me. All of a sudden he pulled a face and said uurgh. Being a child of few words (he couldnt be bothered to speak until he was three) he held out his hand to me. I opened it up to see what he had. I would say it was a slug. Actually it was half a slug. I never did find the other half.......... When he was three we went to Blackpool for the day. We went to the Blackpool tower which also has a massive play area. There was a part for the under fives, which he gleefully set about demolishing. I swear I only turned away for five seconds - and there he was, gone. After a frantic search we discovered he had run into the over fives area where he was swinging from the ceiling in the netting. It took 45 minutes to persuade him to come down. I ended up having to crawl up after him. I was seven months pregnant with Jacob...... Shortly after Jacob was born I left him watching TV whilst I had a bath. The bathroom was downstairs so I left the door open with Jacob sitting in the bouncy chair next to him. When I came out Sam was watching Thomas the Tank Engine and had a multi coulered mouth. Hed snuck into the kitchen and helped himself to the hundreds and thousands and was swigging from the tub. In the interests of fairness, he opted to share them with his two week old brother...... Just before he was five we took him to the Air Tattoo. The commandos had an exhibit with field telephones, radio equipment and a huge motorbike, all with signs saying do not touch. It was flanked by a couple of beefy army chaps wielding huge sticks of camouflage paint to decorate passing children. When they offered to paint Sams face for him he ran off screaming. They didnt know he had a phobia of face paint. Rarely have I seen two people looking more mortified. They even offered to let him sit on the motorbike but to no avail. Sam was inconsolable and nothing they could do would change that. Eventually I had to drag him away. He didnt stop wailing for half an hour.... At six he wrote on the wall of our new home and blamed his brother. His reasoning was that it was Jacobs name written neatly on the wall. Unfortunately Jacob was only two....... At nine he told my mother a dirty joke on the phone instead of wishing her happy birthday. When we asked, he didnt know what the joke meant....... At ten he googled rude words on the computer. He was foiled when it showed up in autofill. He took his telling off fairly well and slunk away. He was half way up the stairs before I realised hed also printed out the pictures....... At 13 he fell off a quad bike which left a massive scar down his ribs. At 14 he played football and did a sliding tackle over a sharp stick which left a huge scar down his leg. At 15 he got kicked out of a baseball game. Oddly enough at around 18 he turned from a grubby teenager into a respectable young man. Im not sure how much his dad and I had to do with this but needless to say he does make us very proud. To save Sams blushes Ive left out the stories of him fingerprinting with the contents of his nappy. Or the time I had to explain to his infant school head mistress why he was drawing pictures on the back of rude emails. Or the time that he nearly got me arrested in Debenhams. At least now I can look back on those memories and laugh. Happy birthday Sam Petal Demuth. I hope that you have many more wonderful years to come xxx
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 21:40:13 +0000

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