So Charlie Daniels spoke out the other day and stated that the - TopicsExpress


So Charlie Daniels spoke out the other day and stated that the U.S. has taken a “major step toward a totalitarian socialist government” when it adopted Obamacare. First of all, Charlie who? When your first and only hit was in 1979, why are you relevant at all? Second of all, we now have another idiot who happens to be a D-lister spouting big words they don’t understand. Seriously, when did people in our society become so mind-numbingly stupid that they CONTINUALLY misuse words, theories and concepts? More importantly, when did it become socially acceptable to do so? It seems these days that any profession or doctrine with the word “social” in it is now evil and directly compared to communism, Marxism, and/or fascism. I am a SOCIAL worker. I’m a communist, Marxist and/or fascist. My friend teaches SOCiology. He is a communist, Marxist, and/or fascist. SOCIAL welfare programs are communist, Marxist, and/or fascist. SOCIAL service professionals are communists, Marxists and/or fascists. Pretty soon we’re all gonna have to stay the f*** away from ice cream SOCIALS, because there’s clearly something communist, Marxist and/or fascist in the ice cream. And hey, if you’re reading this right now, guess what? You’re a communist, Marxist and/or fascist! What the hell are you doing on a SOCIAL networking site?! Shall I go into the fact that socialism, communism, Marxism and fascism are different, sometimes diametrically, from each other? People like Charlie Daniels are what’s wrong with this country. Pseudo-intellectuals utilizing their “celebrity” to further the ignorance of already confused individuals who have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about. Obamacare is NOT a socialist program, it is NOT a communist program, it is not a Marxist program, and it is not a fascist program. Read up before you speak up and you just might learn something. In the mean time, hey Charlie, why don’t you go back down to Georgia, outfiddle a few devils and then go pick up a SOCIALIST college textbook and educate yourself on why you’ve made yourself look like a complete educational failure.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 02:31:15 +0000

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