So I am home from hospital confident the meds will work but how am - TopicsExpress


So I am home from hospital confident the meds will work but how am I going to give them the best chance of working for me? Here is my strategy for the next few weeks: My desk chair is my hub - supportive but not so comfy I will be tempted to just sit there all day and keeping mobile is important too. From there everything I need is within a doable walk even if I have to rest before I walk back. Plus I have my mobile so I can keep a check on heart rate. In fact if I am a little breathless a game of cribbage on the phone is enough time and distraction to recover. Oh and the phone is my meds prompt and my ICE to alert that I am at increased risk of bleeding. Friends collected dog food for me so they are catered for, shopping has been ordered to be delivered for me and if I need odds and ends between main shops I can ask a neighbour to pick them up for me. With a laptop I can do the things I need to do indoors or out so I will enjoy fresh air in the garden when I can. When I can get lifts I will still go to my usual meetings etc because navel gazing gets boring after a day or two so the stimulation will be good. Coughing is uncomfortable and is made worse by talking so I will make the most of e-mail, SMS and social media to keep in contact - please dont be offended if I dont have long chats with you. I cannot avoid all conversations so I will prioritise if there are alternatives available. Equally I may not be able to get to the door to unexpected visitors so please be patient with me until normal service is resumed. And a final note - since I just experienced this - it is my lungs that are not working properly - my brain is fine and I have not lost my faculties so I can take my meds and make food without being told ...
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 09:48:50 +0000

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