So, I guess, 22 things people dont know about me....Alright. Wrap - TopicsExpress


So, I guess, 22 things people dont know about me....Alright. Wrap your hair up people, this is going to take a bit. 1. People thought I was a genius in my 9th grade History Class, cuz I got all As. However, me and another classmate would just copy off each other. Paolo, you know what Im talking about. 2. I once dropped a crepe in my softmore cooking class....I got cocky and tried to flip it as high as I could on the cooking pan. 3. Sometimes Im not sure if I use the Dessert with 2 sss or 1 s. 4. I have an O+ blood type. Not really interesting, but now youve learned something. So if youre bleeding out, you have the option of my blood....youre welcome. 5. My very first halloween outfit was a clown. 6. Ive actually been shaving during No shave Im disqualified. 7. I still check behind the shower curtain before I go to the bathroom to make sure no one is in there. 8. I took cub scouts when I was younger, but I still cant tie a decent knot. 9. Im a fan of certain Rom-Coms...I might be turning in my man card for that, and say what you will...but I think Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan have good Chemistry. 10. I hate Hawaiian style pizza. i love pizza and I love pineapple....but mixing your junk food and fruit like that? Thats just blasphemy. Having said that, I do like chocolate covered strawberries. AND having said that.... 11. Im a hypocrite. 12. Im double might know that, but YOU might not know that. 13. I have been referred to as A genie 14. I can name all of the 12 dwarves in The Hobbit 15. After watching Toy Story for the first time, I would often leave my room and say out loud alright toys, I know youre I know youre going to move when I leave. Dont be shy, I know the deal. Dont be afraid. We can have more fun if you just start moving now. 16. They never moved. 17. The Love Guru and You Dont Mess with the Zohan are some of my guilty know what I mean Kyra Hadjinlian. 18. I successfully convinced my friends once that i had a twin brother. I played both parts. 19. I can recite the alphabet backwards just as fast as forwards. 20. I used to sleep in a Racecar Bed. It was red....and it was the fastest racecar bed in these parts. 21. I developed a love for Orange soda because Kenan and Kel was my favorite show on Nickelodeon. 22. Honestly, I didnt think Id get this far.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 20:46:15 +0000

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