So I know Jasmine Coyazo is busy studying about creating her non - TopicsExpress


So I know Jasmine Coyazo is busy studying about creating her non for profit organization but she brought to my mind anyway about the horrors and secrets of the Congo. I did some research of my own and I want out of my comfortable shell of selfish living and I want to try and help out the motherland country. Its the heart of the planet where we all originated and its crying out for help! As we all sit comfortably in front of our devices ( including me) While many are living in the biggest humanitarian crisis at the dawn of the 21st century; witnessing violent deaths of loved ones, living in fear of being raided by warlords and many other atrocities. This is all for precious minerals, resources and not sure how exactly to get through and help our fellow humans yet but here is a great start! So please stop that tv program for 30 minutes out of your night and lets move towards justice people! Http:// sale pour There are many ways to get started so do your part! Please help the motherland and remember that although you are one person, through the spread of knowledge we can all work towards a common goal of humanity. Everyone has a right to life! You dont have to donate money(though it is an option) and you can even write letters to the big exploiters and the government! If we give up on the Congo then we give up on ourselves!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 04:17:02 +0000

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