So I made it back from GenCon intact, which is no mean feat - TopicsExpress


So I made it back from GenCon intact, which is no mean feat considering the AC in my car hit the crapper. Id like to collect my thoughts in a more coherent fashion than what youre about to read, but frankly if I dont do it now Ill probably never get around to it. First off, I love my job at AEG. I work with amazing people. Everyone there puts 100% into making every part of what they do incredible. I am fortunate to call many of them my friends (and the others I just havent known long enough). They love the game, they love the fans, they just want to give everyone the best possible experience. If youre one of those folks who likes to give them grief on the internet, you just dont have any idea what youre talking about, Im sorry. These people are amazing. Dave Lepore also makes snorting noises in his sleep. Very distracting. Also my Story Team can kick any other Story Teams ass! There is no fanbase in the world like L5R fans. You guys are absolutely the most fun to hang with of any group there is. Thanks for coming back and hanging with us as the show every year. L5R is wonderful as it is, but you guys make it more than it ever could be on its own. Together we are stronger and all that good stuff. And of course, theres Thunderscape: The World of Aden. This was our first year as real honest-to-goodness exhibitors. It was incredible. Thanks to everyone who came by, everyone who played in our demos, everyone who picked up a book. We want you to be part of the Thunderscape experience. My father, Butch Carman was there. I hope Ill one day be half the man he is. My brothers Matthew Schenck and Rob Dake were there, making things awesome as usual. My buddy Rich Wulf even got to come after we thought he wouldnt make it. It could only have been better if my one and only brother-by-blood Zackery Carman could have been there. Its never perfect, but if he could have hung with us, it might have been close. Chris Koch, Patrick Duke, Bronco Swafford, Matthew Tyler, and Michael Lawrence were the best Thunder Scouts any company could have. You were fantastic, and we couldnt have had such a successful con without you. Thanks, guys. Once again, Im pretty sure I won GenCon.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 04:43:33 +0000

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