So I post this evening with a bad taste in my mouth... Ill - TopicsExpress


So I post this evening with a bad taste in my mouth... Ill preface by crediting myself as a relatively evenhanded, rational person. I like to believe I open ALL doors with peace and presence of mind. Sure I have a characteristic touch of inhabiting a harsh and unkind tune; however, a side of me instinctively induced as a counteraction. Rarely do I take umbrage in the actions (or lack of) of another - until now... As many of you know, I have been determined to activate an anti-bullying campaign, since Nathanael (my eldest son) professed ongoing torment that negatively impacted his day to day school life, for a declared TWO YEARS. Amongst my diligent efforts to construct this movement, I have assembled quite the syndicate of passionate and amazing individuals, whore like minded and eager to launch this change our city needs; people who were influenced and motivated by our story, people who believe in me and my aim and execution, as well as the Project, itself. People from all avenues of Holyoke, folks who realize civic boundaries dont reside within a much needed resolution, to the familiarity of uncivilized behavior within our city. Awareness is detrimental to launching a successful campaign; by means of networking, partnering, peddling the importance of harmonizing this beautiful cultural mosaic of a town; ultimately illustrating a concrete plan of zero tolerance beyond schoolhouse walls. Once I felt comfortable with the material I had compiled, thus far, I extended an invitation to our mayoral incumbent - Alex Morse, to join me at the Dam Café. Nervous yet determined to scale the political latter with my intent, we met this past June. It was then that I realized I was face-to-face with a HUMAN BEING. He was enthusiastic and remained engaged, despite the line of handshakes and introductions that occasionally penetrated our meeting. After nearly two hours (which came with comfort and ease - unrestricted, if you would) I felt empowered to not just carry on, but had hope confirmation that this idea would be implemented; That this plan would be acknowledged. From there, the committee was amassed. With awareness and advocacy in mind, I reached out to our mayoral challenger, Jeff Stanek. I contacted him via email, using the email address listed on his campaign site - only a few days prior to preliminaries. In my email, I not only introduced myself, in good taste - I acknowledged his accounting experience, by stating: I must say, despite controversial declaration, in personal opinion, I feel Holyokes budget hugs the cusp. Perhaps taking your accounting background into consideration, you would be qualified to compose, and secure our fiscal estimates. (Of course this was PRIOR to doing some extensive homework, and by no means was my silver-tongued notion subterfuge, straying me from my electoral vote; moreover, a polite and professional prelude). To avoid presenting myself as disingenuous, I made my affiliation and allegiance to our incumbent well known, further stating this campaign was for HOLYOKE (not myself, not Alex Morse NOR Stanek); this Project knows no civic boundaries. Its only necessary, that anyone who claims to support the revitalization of our town is on board to advocate and endorse this cause - by any means capable. Despite who obtains the mayoral title/duty (or job). Besides, I find my exposure was only appropriate, demonstrating etiquette, an open mind, and Holyoke Pride! SO... In the briefest possible fashion, I have YET to hear back from our mysterious challenger - STANEK. Yep, thats right, not a damn peep. MIND YOU, I took the liberty to visit his campaign headquarters, alongside my husband, to congratulate him - post preliminaries. We shook hands, prior to his validation that he WAS in receipt of my email; further expressing a profound interest, and promise to be in touch soon. Perhaps just more rehearsed rhetoric, as it has been precisely a month since our introduction - plus a fees days more, since reaching out (indepently) via the World Wide Web! Its necessary to disclose, that I chose to expose MY story on MY own. I may have a committee who supports this campaign, diligently working beside me; however, my words and my actions are MY OWN. So if my saying so rubs anyone the wrong way, you take it up with ME! Saying so, if you read the entire content of MY declaration, and/or have access to google, then I shouldnt catch ANY shade. Sure this is a crucial time, taking the approaching election into strong consideration (which I also acknowledged in the email); but there is NO EXCUSE for neglecting correspondence. NONE. I can speculate... To a safe degree, Im certain; however, Ill leave his disinterest as is. Council - weak. If he could tell me one thing face-to-face, and act out in considerable opposition, tell me he couldnt do the same to YOU?! Im appalled. Im also prepared to debate ANY contrasting opinions, as Im convinced that many of you are convinced. I promise - stated previously, I am a levelheaded and rational woman. With that said, if somebody reading this is appalled by my attestation, and sees something between the lines - that I may be missing, by ALL means, elucidate. I say that with sincerity, contrary to the disgust that has plastered my disappointment. Mind you, I DO NOT NEED MAYORAL SUPPORT TO LAUNCH THIS MUCH NEEDED MOVEMENT - without elaboration, this goes back to awareness and uniting Holyoke as ONE individual community who stands united against uncivilized behavior within our Paper City... Only a fool would ignore such a MUCH needed and long OVERDUE change. A revolution really. It is undoubtedly conceivable that implementation of this Project (and all it encompasses) would bridge our academic achievement gaps, and assist our well paid academic staff in mitigating our daunting statistics - taking in account that BULLYING contributes a tremendous impact to the success of our students, our future HOLYOKE. Is this campaign thee answer, absolutely not - but its a GDAMNED START. It is probable that expressing an ounce of interest (or at least following through with his word and replying to me (even if to tell me hes incredibly busy at this time) Staneks public image would gather some much needed shimmer. Indeed, I preferred to be that kind, peaceful and open minded woman that I am; but I find myself incapable, when someone does not stand behind their word. I mean it has been a month! This is MY opinion only. But maybe people need to SINCERELY take this upcoming election into STRONGER consideration. I offered a benefit of the doubt, however, if you folks feel Morse was a dirty doer, perhaps you need to do some homework of your own. SIGNED, JUST ERIN and Erin only... Remember, I speak for myself.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 06:01:07 +0000

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