So, I questioned posting this video because I know it may open - TopicsExpress


So, I questioned posting this video because I know it may open some doors for the to eat meat or not to eat meat debate. In an effort to bypass all of that and shine a little grace on everyone’s lifestyle choices, lets skip that conversation altogether. That’s not what this video is about. What this video is about, to me anyway, is simply making ourselves aware of where our food comes from. In this case, the example is meat…but that doesnt mean there isnt a huge problem with our ocean culture and also how we grow our fruit/veg/grains. Lets take this video for what’s it is though, and focus on the meat situation for a second. I think being aware of where our food comes from gives us a huge sense of power and freedom. It creates communities and brings us closer to nature. Everyday we can vote with our dollars…and sometimes those dollars are extremely hard to come by and that makes it harder for us to make the choices we would like to. I get that! Been there! I do think though, that as a culture we have become accustomed to being a little gluttonous. We dont think twice about buying a steak, throwing it in the freezer and months later throwing that steak out because it has freezer burn. This is just a small example of how we (myself included) can be ignorant to life on earth. Our demand to eat meat at every meal has caused a need for factory farming. Treating animals in a way we wouldnt wish upon our worst enemy. And if you can stomach that, what about the health and well being of your loved ones. Factory farming has huge implications on OUR health and well being too. There are constant recalls for contaminations, our tolerance for antibiotics is going way down, and our environment is taking a huge toll. Essentially, when we support factory farming we are not only giving the message that we feel its okay to treat a living being with such disregard…but we are feeding the beast. We are letting the big guys take our money and make us sick. Again, This isnt about whether one should eat meat or not. I just think we gain so much power in being aware of how we feed ourselves and then in turn, making an educated decision on how we choose to go about that. So in an effort to just remind ourselves to be aware of our food choices…a video. “This magical, marvelous food on our plate, this sustenance we absorb, has a story to tell. It has a journey. It leaves a footprint. It leaves a legacy. To eat with reckless abandon, without conscience, without knowledge; folks, this aint normal.” – Joel Salatin upworthy/no-one-applauds-this-woman-because-theyre-too-creeped-out-at-themselves-to-put-their-hands-together?c=ufb1
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 13:12:07 +0000

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