So, I turned thirty. A reason to put out thoughts about the life I - TopicsExpress


So, I turned thirty. A reason to put out thoughts about the life I have lived. These three decades of my life were the years of carefree childhood, years of unconscious frolicking, boundless happiness, and school years full of memories. Those were years of pure friendship, love, pleasure, disappointments, joy and sadness. Years of achievements and obstacles, ups and downs, selfless commitment, generous dedication, sleepless nights, pride, respect and years filled with many more feelings typical to human beings. I have never underestimated the years I lived through. I can surely say that each passing year was more precious for me. Through the passing years I met people of different nationalities; age, views, tastes, of different interests from whom I learned a lot and in whose lives I have left a small part of my soul. With many of them I went through the hardships of life and many of them disappeared in the middle of those hardships. I am thankful to people who entered my life. I am thankful to people who surround me now and thankful the ones who will appear in my life. I want to say that I have loved all of you and I still love. In those years I realized that there is no “Never say never” and moreover “never say forever”. Nothing is impossible for me and it really is. Challenges, sufferings and human scums made me realize that “impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men, who find it easier to live in the world theyve been given than to explore the power they have to change it” Therefore, it became a credo of my life that ‘’Impossible is not a fact, it is an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. Its a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary’’.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 20:25:24 +0000

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