So I was cynically pooh-poohed by Facebookland when I aired my - TopicsExpress


So I was cynically pooh-poohed by Facebookland when I aired my suspicions about the Australian Prime Minister manipulating the MH370 and MH17 tragedies for his own political purposes ... This man is not a politician because he wants to make the world a better place. He found a JOB as a politician and discovered hes good at ticking the boxes (including being guided by IPA) that push him further up the ladder in his chosen career. Copy + paste for his entire cabinet of ministers. Now Tony Abbott is at the top of the food chain leveraging the grief of families for his own personal gain. Vomit. I didnt vote for this shit. Fight with your pens. Clog those mail servers. Fight for science, for ethics, for human rights, for the voiceless, for a healthy society, for the environment we live in. For neighbours nearby, and for those whove come across the seas. Were not done yet.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:04:41 +0000

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