So I was privileged enough to attend the Australian premiere of - TopicsExpress


So I was privileged enough to attend the Australian premiere of X-Men: Days of Future Past. Not only did I get to see Peter Dinklage and Hugh Jackman up close, I got to witness one of the best X-Men films ever, second only to X2 (and thats mostly because X2 came first). The best way I can describe it is X2 meets The Matrix meets Terminator. In time travel films there will always be a certain level of huh?. Days of Future Past is one of the few films that manages to make time travel secondary to the plot. One of the other big concerns I had was the overabundance of characters. Whilst I felt that there were quite a few, the film did a great job of focusing primarily on James McAvoy, Hugh Jackman and Jennifer Lawrence, with Peter Dinklage, Nicholas Hoult and Michael Fassbender filling out the rest of who I would consider the main main cast. Jackman was perfect as always, inserting much needed humour in addition to his exceptional performance. I was dubious of Hoult in First Class but his performance in this film really sold me on him. But the most impressive performance for me was McAvoy, who really shows that he deserves to inherit the role from Patrick Stewart. The most anticipated part for me and Im sure others is how the film interacts with the rest of the X-Men universe. Im pleased to report that Days of Future Past managed to do exceptional things with the convoluted storylines left by the various films. To my knowledge it completely ignores The Wolverines ending and doesnt reference Origins: Wolverine much either. It references everything from Brian Cox in X2 to Wolverines cameo in First Class, and does so seamlessly thanks to Singers brilliant direction. I am thoroughly satisfied by this film and I highly recommend it. 5/5.
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 13:09:11 +0000

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