So I was reading on Facebook one of my friends on Facebook his - TopicsExpress


So I was reading on Facebook one of my friends on Facebook his status from last monday and it was really touching and made me really think about all the things and family and friends I do have in my life and im greatful for all of them but anyway here is what the status read..... TRUE STORY: So after a long day at work today I wanted nothing more than to treat myself to chipotle. As I pull in I see a homeless man sitting on the curb. His clothes are tattered and he had only 1 shoe. I get out of my car and I can see hes holding a sign that says Will work for food As I walk by homeless man, I do what pretty much everyone else would do, just avoid eye contact and keep walking. So Im waiting in line and I keep thinking to myself what did I just do? I just went against everything that my parents taught me growing up. Giving something to someone in need is way more rewarding than getting something for yourself. So I order a burrito with everything on it and get a bottle of water. I see the homeless man is still sitting there. I walk up to him, pat him on the shoulder and say I apologize for walking by you without even looking at you. Heres a burrito and a water that I bought for you. The man looks at me almost in disbelief and says Ive been sitting here for the past 5-6 hours, Ive counted over 200 people did the same thing not one person has even looked at me or talked to me since Ive been here. I havent had a hot meal in over 3 days. He starts to cry and I ask sir why are you crying? He responds and says I cant believe how kind and caring you are for someone your age. Most kids just laugh at me or throw things at me. Youre truly a gentlemen and God will bless you for the great things you do for people. Of course me being a softie I start to shed a tear or two and tell him God has already blessed me in so many ways; Ive got the most loving family and friends, Ive got a roof over my head every night, and I have plenty of food to eat everyday. We continue talking for another 15 minutes or so and I look down and remember that he has only 1 shoe. I tell him to wait here a minute. I go to my car and I was going to go to the gym after work, so I grab my gym bag and say heres a pair of Adidas running shoes for you, now you walk in style. I also grab my clean workout shirt and shorts and give those to him as well. He falls to his knees crying, I help him up to his feet and tell him to try the shoes on. He puts them on and his face just lite up with happiness. At that moment I realized I just made his day. He then says Thank you young man for everything youve done, you have no idea how much this means to me! You have a bright future ahead of you with Nursing, just seeing how you treated me I know youre going to be the best nurse and any hospital would be lucky to have you. I thank him for the kind words and he gives me a hug. I get in my car and drive away without any chipotle or any gym clothes but WITH A BIG SMILE ON MY FACE. But the REAL reason for me posting this is not to prove that Im a good guy, its for everyone reading this to realize how much we take for granted on a daily basis, the houses we live in, the clothes on our back, the hot meals every night and everything else. So please everyone next time you see someone in need whether theyre homeless or not go above and beyond the norm and dont just look the other way when someone is in need. Lend a helping hand even if its the smallest thing people will appreciate it.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 16:41:51 +0000

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