So Ive been quiet the last few days on here. Theres been quite a - TopicsExpress


So Ive been quiet the last few days on here. Theres been quite a bit going on at home and its been rough on me in so many ways. We found out last week that due to the lack of push from Garretts public school that he will now have to go back to said public school possibly for the next year. We asked and asked for an IEP that they kept on delaying giving him. They would come up with all these ways not to give it and even blamed us for bad parenting at one point. This came from the Vice Principal (Dont remember which spelling right now. Im so worn out tonight). They placed him into the gifted program as a carrot, not just becayse he should have been there. At the end of the year, they told us to get with the virtual school, that they should be able to get it set up for us. Well....the virtual school basically told us about how that they pulled one over on us. So, you may ask what all of this means for Garrett having to go to public school rather than a private school. So, one of the schools here, without therapies, runs $28,000 a year. The other one starts at $12,000. Becaue he was never properly given an IEP, he number for the McKay scholarship was low. They will only cover a few thoudand for the entire year. So I go back to how frustrated I am that I have to now send Garrett to a school where not only is he not disabled enough for them, but they are also the reason we are having to go back to them. I share this because, if you have a child with special needs, you are their advocate. If you dont advocate enough for them, the schools will continue to overlook them and keep telling you things like needs more work at home. Don t ever stop fighting for them!
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:38:01 +0000

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