So, Ive been sitting back, watching events unfold...just watching, - TopicsExpress


So, Ive been sitting back, watching events unfold...just watching, observing, I watched as Americans feign innocence @ the murder of yet another Black man...I watch as they slowly climax to outrage @ the beheading of an American journalist, calling his attackers evil perplexed by the demise of an innocent American -and Im thinking, Ok no one is questioning the innocence of the journalist, Im thinking maybe hes not so innocent. Maybe he robbed someone before his tour. Maybe he was in some altercation with the law that makes him guilty and deserving of having his head ripped off. Maybe his previous actions make him unworthy of the time and effort of going after Isis. Hmm, my point being Im tired of America claiming this high moral ground when they have NO RIGHT!!! to stand there. Yet, as I observe, I already know whats going to happen, because here in America, history keeps repeating itself. They aired the movie 12 Years A Slave tonight, and I watched it for the first time, and Im not one to watch slave movies because I know my own disposition, and Im the wrong one to show this movie to... I have this constrained desire bursting down deep inside the seems of my soul; yearning, demanding, aching for the opportunity to reclaim, to defend, to expend everything within me for the right to life for My People. Weve watched as again a police defends the murder of an innocent Black man. We watch as again he is not arrested. We watch again as riots burn the city. We watch again as marching accomplishes nothing. We watch again as the story fades and the medias attention changes and nothing is done. And Ive been sitting back watching, angry @ these fake wannabe new radicals, wondering how anyone can be fooled by who initiated these groups, and Ive been sitting back watching, angered @ these fake Uncle Tom leaders and politicians selling out their own People, and Ive been watching the truly good hearted Black Conscious but unorganized worker tactics wondering when will our People get tired of marching, and Ive been angered @ the old school rebels wondering why they arent doing anything. And Ive been watching and critiquing, wondering why things arent being done that will actually accomplish something, wondering why SOMEONE isnt doing the right things...Then I heard something from deep down within me...Like the Ancestors were trying to communicate with me... ...Saying to me the one you are looking for, searching for, agonizing to come forth is You. And Ive had all my life- through struggles and trials and conquering impossibilities to prepare for this moment. And Ive had the last several weeks to adjust to the weight of this decision, but alas, It Is Time. Calling all soldiers, To those tired of business as usual. To those who are truly ready to give all it takes to achieve true freedom. To those ready to reclaim all that has been taken from us. To those ready to be ruled by no one but themselves and the God within them. To those ready for a fight. I will be announcing this month; @ the Womens Poetry event @ the Nelson Atkins, the launch of a new organization of independent thinkers, An organization of Black Power Revolutionaries. Are You Ready??? This time, History, Herstory, Ourstory, begins anew.
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 05:51:23 +0000

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