So, Karen Kenney Smith had to go and give me a new story idea. Ive - TopicsExpress


So, Karen Kenney Smith had to go and give me a new story idea. Ive always wanted to write cozy mysteries, and she gave me the hook. Allison Ketchell Campbell Heres my raw start: Prologue... He poured the powder into the bitter tea, a concoction of his own making. He then added the natural sweetener to cover it. He sneered. All the organics in the world wont help her now. With his sleeve, he wiped the sweat off his brow. For Westgate on Sea, the weather felt unseasonably warm. All of Kent county was experiencing a heat wave according to the weather forecaster. It couldnt be nerves. Hed planned this for too long to be nervous about it now. She would pay for leaving him. Whats this, she asks as she walks into the sitting room of their flat. Her eyebrow rose into her hairline and she gave him the look. The one that said hed better have a good reason. He turned his back on her to hide his teeth gritting and poured the hot water over the powder mixture hed made. Ive made you some of your favorite tea. Call it a going away present, he said when he could control his voice and his temper. Youre not mad? The surprise and disbelief was completely warranted. After three years together, she had to know how upset he would be at her announcement. Mad? No. Im upset, and hope you change your mind, but not mad. Maybe this will help my cause. With a bright smile he handed her the cup. The whole thing was a risk. If hed done his potion wrong, shed either not die, or shed die to soon. She needed to be at work, with him visible to plenty of people at the time. With a nervous wipe of his hands on his jeans, he picked up his plain tea and took a drink. She eyed him, a mixture of relief, wariness—and perhaps a smile?—on her face. There, she sipped her drink. The triumph brought the first real smile hed had in three days. Now, she would die.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 02:17:04 +0000

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