So Ronald Klain is the new Ebola Czar...... and where did Klain - TopicsExpress


So Ronald Klain is the new Ebola Czar...... and where did Klain come from: When figuring out exactly who controls the US government, begin at the White House (and this is just a surface scratch): A fact to examine is the constant presence of Jewish Zionist Vice-Presidential Chiefs of Staff throughout the terms of Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and Obama: Uber Jewish Zionist (and Iraq war drum beater extraordinaire) William Kristol, was the Chief of Staff to Vice President Dan Quayle from 1989 to 1993. After two short stints by Roy Neel and Jack Quinn (who became Chief White House Counsel) between 1993 and 1995, Jewish Zionist Ronald Klain became Al Gore’s Chief of staff from 1995 to 1999; Jewish Zionist Charles Burson took over from Klain from 1999 to 2001. Jewish Uber-Zionist, Lewis “Scooter” Libby, was Dick Cheney’s Chief of Staff from 2001 until 2005 when he had to resign because of his indictment for obstruction of justice, perjury, leaking classified information, and lying to federal investigators. All the charges were related to the outing of CIA asset Valerie Plame Wilson. Libby was disbarred after his conviction. Non-Jew Uber-Neocon David Addington finished as Cheney’s Chief of Staff and was the legal mind behind much of the White House’s so called “war on terror.” Joe Biden then dusted off Jewish Zionist Ronald Klain, who had been Gore’s VP-COS, and installed him as his own VP-COS. Klain served until 2011 when non-Jew Zionist stooge, Bruce Reed stepped in and is still there as of today (12/20/2013)… One of Reed’s accomplishments is having co-authored a very lame book with Rahm Emanuel titled: The Plan: Big ideas for America. I haven’t read their book and after reading the overwhelmingly negative reviews at Amazon I don’t think I will. BTW: Reed is expected to become president of the Broad Foundation (founded by Zionist Jew, Eli Broad) for his servitude to the Zionist agenda. In summation, regarding VP-Chiefs of Staff, it’s evident that there has been a Zionist Jew as either POTUS-COS or VP-COS since the Reagan years; mostly as VP-COS, which is a lower profile position, but probably where the power broking occurred out of the spotlight. Bush II’s COS, Andrew Card, was handled by his Deputy COS, Jewish Zionist Joshua Bolten and VP-COS Scooter Libby
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 07:04:39 +0000

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