So Saturday was really convicting for me. An I thought id share my - TopicsExpress


So Saturday was really convicting for me. An I thought id share my thoughts with you guys. (Oh boy. Another steve rant! Lol) So Friday I read an article. 10 reasons why someone shouldnt go on mission trips (you all should read it. Its not to discourage you at all. It is rather sobering. Its on my time line) an after I read that. Saturday I went driving. An on ridge rd. I saw a homeless man hitch hiking. Like crazy skinny. Un healthy. Looked sad an depressed. We made eye in those moments I literally debated with myself should I pick him up?... I couldnt come up with a reason to do so or not to...I just kept most people dont even second guess it. They just drive. Sometimes not noticing hitch hikers at all. But I noticed him! An I did nothing! We learn in the word that we are all missionaries. Spreading the gospel. I have always ranted on an on about how I wanted to do something important. Thats why I tried the military. An thought of missions an such. But how can I be a missionary over seas when I cant even be one HERE WHERE I LIVE!? if we live this way here then wouldnt we act the same way there? An if not an we act differently there over seas then why cant we have the same effort here? I keep thinking if I couldnt help one old man. Then how can I go forth an be a missionary? It showed me that im NOT ready for trips like that. I mean why cant we go with our social groups an take just 10 or 15 mins to spread the gospel!? Whats so hard about that? We allow our fear to take hold. But whats the worst that could happen? Even if they turn you down. Even if I get turned down. I want to be able to go to God in heaven an say. Lord. I tried. Here is what I did. I made an effort. Not well lord....I was I didnt spread your sorry no I want to sing his name an see countless others come to him singing praises in his name. So please pray that I find strength to do so an help others. Like a christian should. Next time I see someone im pulling over. No matter what. Cuz if just giving some one a ride brings them close to christ. Then thats one more saved soul freed from damnation an bathed in Gods righteous glory!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 06:31:54 +0000

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