So, Savannah challenged me to post 20 interesting facts about me. - TopicsExpress


So, Savannah challenged me to post 20 interesting facts about me. My first thought was Do I have 20 interesting facts????. I challenge Dancingbear Clarissa Evans, Diane Simmons-cowgill, Leslie Skinner and David Yurkovich to do the same! Okay.... here is my attempt: 1) I am 21 years old. Okay, that is a big fat lie, but I WAS 21... once..... a long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away.... 2) I attended college, but moved, and never went back.I wanted to be a writer but now my passion is photography and singing. My pictures have been published in Country Magazine, Yosemite Sierra Visitors Guide (more than once), at the local library and I have won many ribbons in the fair, as well as Best in Show ribbons. I absolutely LOVE taking pics! It kills me not to stop in my car and take pics of every sunset or river or meadow I see. I almost always have my camera with me. 3) I used to be a great at roller skating. I could skate backwards faster than forwards.Probably fall on my ass, now. 4) I used to own a Mach 1 Mustang. I LOVE muscle cars and awesome cars in general. I plan to own another great car! Again, never too old! 5) I am very proud of my 2 sons, Skyler and Brandon. They are amazing and make me proud to be their mom! I also have a third child, Dan Anthonijsz, but I guess the fact he is my husband does not stop me from telling people I have 3 boys. He is a wonderful man, to be honest! 6) I have had a large amount of loss and tragedy in my family. I have lost both my parents, most of my aunts and uncles, all 4 grandparents, many cousins, a couple of brothers in laws and in laws. Most have been gone over a decade. I have a cousin who disappeared when I was young, whom I miss dearly. Of those I mentioned, there have been suicide, murder, accidents, sickness and old age. I try to be thankful everyday,seeing the things I have. I am grateful to have older sisters, who I am close to, who have made this easier to bear. 7) I am proud of my boys. Okay, I mentioned that in number 5, but I cant say it enough! 8) I love the desert. Very spiritual and healing to be there. I hear people say it is boring to drive through the desert. All I see is beauty and I enjoy and embrace every second. 9) I have lived in over a dozen towns and cities in my life, and 3 states (Ohio, Arizona and California). I have lived in houses, trailers and even apartments (dont miss that!). Mariposa is one of the best places I have ever lived and I love my friends here. I need acreage because I value my privacy. 10) I love to be silly and humor is one of the most appealing traits in a person, in my opinion. I dont have any normal friends and I wouldnt have it any other way! Whether it is a fun song like Baby Got Back or a game or karaoke, laughing with friends and family is one of my fave things. I dont wanna grow up, Im a Toys R Us kid! 11) I am a little OCD and cant stand when a picture is crooked or something is out of place. My compulsion to fix it is retarded and I know it. My son Brandon just loves this about his mom and runs with it. NO, this is not an invitation for my friends to wreak havoc when they visit! It is NOT funny and I WILL attack! LOL. Another affect of OCD is that my DVDs and CDs are in alphabetical order, but I can find one quickly! Also I prefer my food cans face forward. I have lightened up as I get older. 12) Music is a huge part of my life. I have worked in 3 music stores, I am lead singer in a band I formed and named (BlackThorn), my 2 sons play musical instruments and I have many musician friends. Music transports me to happy times or heals me when I need it most. When life gets hard, I take a long drive in my car and the music is so powerful, it changes everything. I can hear a song and remember what part of my life it was when the song came out. My impulse to sing is overwhelming, therapeutic and the grain of my being. Led Zeppelin is my alltime fave band, followed closely by Fleetwood Mac, Rush, CSN&Y and Pink Floyd and the one and only Johnny Cash. 11) I LOVE THE RAIN! I mean, really love it! I dance in it! I used to sit on my bed in my room, as a girl, listening to music with a hot chocolate while it poured outside. Nothing felt more cozy or comforting and that is where I believe the love of rain came from. I dont understand people who call it dreary. I feel sorry they dont see the beauty in it. 12) I have a gypsy soul. I LOVE road trips. You miss so much in planes or trains. The freedom to stop anywhere is awesome! I have met so many quirky people, seen so many fascinating places, done so many interesting things. I am one of those people who could buy a trailer and travel the United States, seeing the biggest ball of yarn, listening to a lounge singer in a way off bar or eating at the little roadside cafe with unique people, just absorbing it all. For me it is not being there, but getting there.... I love coming home, and having my sanctitude, but I love going out, too. I need both for balance in my life. I am a true gypsy housewife! 13) I hate doing laundry. It never ends. I get the damn clothes done, and then guess what!!!! A couple of days later theyre back!!!!!. It is so monotonous. You are either busy or you are relaxing and then.. BUUUUZZZZZZ.... interrupts everything!!!! Damn laundry! 14) I love long walks. Not much at hiking, but I love to walk through the forest, not many people around, enjoying mother nature. 15) I love fall. Every little thing about it. Leaves falling, wind blowing, the trees turning colors, nice weather (I am not a fan of hot weather), less crowds, rain, pumpkins, squash, Halloween, the whole atmosphere. I think I am happiest in the fall and feel most alive! I love Christmas, but I dont like that it intrudes so much on Fall. We lose a whole month of the feeling of Fall because of Christmas! Most of December is actually Fall!!!!! 16) Wow, what else???? I am probably boring the heck out of you by now, but here goes... For the most part, I like animals better than people. They are more loyal and much kinder! 17) I love dancing! Nothing can be more silly, fun and just stress relieving than a good dance. People are interesting to watch when they dance. Some dance like the Charlie Brown crew and some have true rhythm. I am somewhere in between. 18) I am a night owl. I have been that way for a long time. I think my mom started it, as I used to stay up and watch the Late Show with her as I got older. I like the nightlife, I like to boogie..... 19) I like gambling. I love casinos and occasional bingo. Especially when I win! Slot machines are really fun and I love the bonus games. 20) I have met hundreds of famous people and have tons of autographs and pics with them. It is a hobby to get autographs. They are people, just like us, but it is still fun to meet them. I never hound anyone or try to bother them. I have just lived in a lot of places where I have met them or saw many things filmed like Friends, That 70s Show, Married with Children or movie like Erin Brockovich, Swordfish and Space Cowboys. I have also met a lot of famous musicians. I never used to tell people and then I showed a couple of friends all my autographs and they thought it was cool, so I will now share this info. Fun fact: I used to live next door to Hinckley, where Erin Brockovich took place, around the time the actual events happened (someone also gave us chickens from Hinckley (watch the movie to understand that last comment!). Later we moved near Ventura, where the movie was filmed, and watched them film and met Julia Roberts (she signed my Pretty Woman movie). That movie is special to me because of it. In that vein, Huell Howser filmed in almost every place Dan and I lived, when we lived there. We almost ran into him multiple times. Dan finally ran into him in Yosemite, when Huell approached Dan and asked him where a restroom was. I am convinced Huell was stalking us! I love hearing stories from friends who also meet famous people. If you want my Tommy Chong story,scroll down my wall! I MADE IT! I hope I did not bore you too much! It was kinda fun revealing a few things about me you may or may not know. These are the tame stories and tidbits.... lol :)
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:11:44 +0000

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