So Snowden leaked national security information (phone tapping - TopicsExpress


So Snowden leaked national security information (phone tapping under a labor government) and fails to add the context of a recent terrorist bomb attack, which could have potentially killed Australians. He claimed such information was in the publics best interest and the ABC facilitated the leak.... and on the other the ABC is OUTRAGED that the their payroll has been leaked (revealing that for a supposedly impartial broadcaster the ABC is far from impartial). Shorten is demanding an apology for actions that HIS OWN government were responsible for and now his own frontbenchers are starting to backpeddle. Back in the late 90s Bob Brown demanded a peacekeeping invasion of Indonesia because of East Timor... and now the Greens are shocked at this leaked phone tapping information and demand action from a government who were not the government responsible. Add to this media circus the fact that former spies have come forward with information that Indonesia also spies on other nations and that president Yudhoyono is simply seizing the opportunity to attack a new Australian government that he doesnt like. What a shamozzle - inflamed by a shit media. Like or loath Tony Abbot, I sure dont envy the shit hes got to deal with, none of which is his doing (important to remember). Why isnt Rudd and his cohorts being dragged over the coals right now? I dont blame Abbott for keeping his cards close to his chest - look what the media has already done with this!!! For the first time (FIRST TIME) I reckon Andrew Bolt finally gets it right. Probably the last time too. lol
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:29:14 +0000

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