So Syria, meaning the government of Bashar al-Assad, has - TopicsExpress


So Syria, meaning the government of Bashar al-Assad, has “systematically tortured and executed about 11,000 detainees since the start of the uprising in 2011.” So says a new report, commissioned by Qatar, the US ally which supports the opposition. Qatar and Saudi Arabia are the two of the main paymasters of Al Qaeda in Syria – and this begs the question as why did Qatar commission a report on atrocities published just ahead of the Geneva II conference. Devastating Indictment of Syrian Regime or CNN Effect?....This report was apparently shocking to CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, given her known intelligence links, and to a wide variety of international commentators and the diplomatic representatives arriving in Montreux, to participate in what are paradoxically known as the Geneva II peace talks. It comes as no coincidence that the report was released the day before the talks were about to begin....the timing is uncanny; why did this information only become public the day before the conference was due to begin?...Second, how did all this happen without a single one of these journalists, commentators and diplomats knowing anything about it in advance?...ournalists, commentators and diplomats know what reports are. Their jobs largely consist of commissioning, writing, reading and analyzing them. They know very well how long the process takes and how many hands are involved. Reports don’t just come into existence the day before an important international conference...this apparently happened systematically over a period of years. With the eyes of the world on the Assad regime, all these people were tortured, and all these highly paid journalists, commentators and diplomats seemingly knew nothing until the day before the conference....What about the single source of the material, codename Caesar the defector who systematically took the pictures? Have we not heard this before with Curveball and the faked justification for the invasion of Iraq?...This is sloppy journalism, CNN, UK’s Guardian Newspaper, the commentators and the diplomats, including the UN know it. But still it is being flashed round the world as a masterpiece of investigation. Why? Because nobody ever reports, or even acknowledges the existence of the activities of the usual source of such politically convenient stories, the United States and for hire investigators, whose record is not so prestigious based on their owned sordid histories...There is no law against paying people to talk to journalists or politicians on your behalf. Those with the money and desire can pay professional lobbyists to represent them in a bid to gain positive news coverage, limit damage or change legislation...The rich and powerful thus have an influence, through these lobbyists, denied to the ordinary citizens of any given democracy. They are willing to pay sometimes obscene sums of public or stockholder money to achieve their started ends by bending the right ears. To do that they tell stories people want to hear, manufacture consent for political and military action...Undoubtedly there are paid lobbyists trying to achieve their clients’ diverse objectives with regard to Syria. Most of the big international firms are based in the US, where the money is ...So who are these shadowy lobbyists, who are never mentioned as sources or acknowledged to be influencing media and politicians, despite it being a multi-billion dollar industry? It may never be known who was behind presenting this particular report at this particular time. But here are a couple of high flyers in this industry who may be taken as a sample...:
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 20:42:37 +0000

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