So a girlfriend of mine has just been majorly creepily hit on in - TopicsExpress


So a girlfriend of mine has just been majorly creepily hit on in her FB inbox by a male on her friends list - she doesnt really know. Hes sent her numerous messages referring to her physical appearance and the things he would like to do to her. My friend clicks on his page and notices straight away he has a girlfriend. My first response message the gf and show her what her vile boyfriend has sent u. Then I got thinking- if this was to happen to YOU- what would u do in this case if u were approached/ hit on by a person who clearly states hes in a relationship and has pictures plastered all over FB of the couple. Would YOU be a decent fellow female code abider and alert the partner? Im sure YOU would hope that you were notified if your sleeze bag creepy cheating partner did this to YOU... #thoughtoftheday
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 04:00:42 +0000

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