So, a year ago today, my life changed. I went through a breakup - TopicsExpress


So, a year ago today, my life changed. I went through a breakup that, essentially, sent my life into a tailspin. I became severely depressed and started having panic attacks. Thanks to the help of some awesome medications and a great therapist, I got that under control and was able to start getting my life back together. I’ve learned a lot about myself in the past year, through my therapy and I’ve started to deal with a lot of issues I had avoided confronting. In fact, there were issues I didn’t even realize I had that I can now see more clearly. Anyway, my point of all this is that even when you think your life is over, there is always a new day. And grief eases over time, and allows you to see more clearly. Sometimes we stay in an unhealthy relationship because we continue to see it as what it used to be, rather than what it has become. Sometimes its fixable, sometimes its not. You can only put so much effort into a relationship, but if the other person’s heart isn’t in it anymore, you’re just drawing out the inevitable. It doesn’t mean you have to hate the other person, just means you’re not meant for each other. Ladies…and gentlemen, as well…you can’t make someone love you. Its just not possible, no matter how hard you try. And you need not think its because you’re “not good enough”. I’ve thought that so many times and now I realize that has nothing to do with it. Some things are meant to be, and some things aren’t, and its not a reflection on you as a person. Some people are meant to stay forever, some are only meant to be here for a short time. Keep your head up, move on with your life, and do what you need to do for yourself! This life is yours alone, and you can’t live it for anyone else. As long as you keep focusing on someone else, you’re basically letting them live rent-free in your head. Looking back on the last year, I’ve come a long way, and I’m thankful for friends and family who were there for me and supported me. And I apologize for anyone who felt left out…I tend to want to deal with things myself, and I sometimes have to just “close the door” rather than reaching out to friends. But regardless, thanks to everyone for helping me through this past year and I love you guys!
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 13:24:31 +0000

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