So, at any moment, my magic time machine is gonna return, or I am - TopicsExpress


So, at any moment, my magic time machine is gonna return, or I am gonna wake up...and back in 2007...and tell people about this whacked out nightmare racing forward to 2014.... and proceed to tell the story about this Sleeper Cell Taliban sympathizer...born in Kenya, but raised in Hawaii & Chicago... who was elected President, and then he systematically set the wheels in motion to destroy U.S. Health Care, the Economy, Christian and Family Values, the Constitution and the Rights guaranteed within. And, THEN in this nightmare, he conducts the most bizzarro land Rose Garden ceremony with a hill-billy from Idaho who pretends to speak fluent Arabic, in order to talk with his Traitor son who deserted the U.S. Army in a war zone in Afghanistan to become a Taliban sympathizer and aid & abet the enemy for 5 years, BEFORE this Communist in Chief pretended to broker a prisoner swap that brings the Traitor Deserter home to a huge parade and celebration by the Left, and they will brag about his heroism ...and simultaneously, he will gloat about releasing 5 of the most dangerous Taliban war lords back to our traitor ally who will pretend to care where they go, but then the 5 vanish only to surface again, killing innocent unarmed people, and trying to kill U.S. Military personnel. And, then our Traitor in Chief will unapologetic-ally brag and laugh about that fact that they might or will Kill Americans int eh future.... and the Liberal Media and Left will embrace & love him BECAUSE hes a black oppressed victim...and when I tell people in 2007 about this nightmare... they will just laugh, and laugh and say what a great fiction story... now go back to sleep you crazy person! Is there anything left that this arrogant, disgusting traitor can say that will leave anyone more speechless. He releases enemy prisoners who WILL kill Americans again.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 08:52:57 +0000

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