So attacking the obvious faults of the current administration - TopicsExpress


So attacking the obvious faults of the current administration aside....what is to be done to fix....said shortcomings. Solutions! Heres one....dump Obamacare and in its place (instead of our government forcing us to purchase a product - and penalizing us if we dont buy into it!!!) Leave the citizens of the country alone...Use the governmental powers to enact and force wide spread reform within the healthcare system. Revamp and Establish reasonable (REASONABLE) pricing structure for services...(no more $2000 MRIs or $75 dollar aspirins) prevent gouging....ensure that insurance companies allow folks with pre-existing conditions to insure themselves at a reasonable rate. Someone with a preexisting condition should pay slightly more than a person who has never been sick....not the other way around!!! Does this mean that companies that are now charging $2000 for an MRI are going to HAVE to lower this unreasonable pricing structure...yes. Much like the mortgage industry had to lower the pricing in the housing market after the massive OVERPRICING of homes and widespread fraud bankrupt Fannie May. CLose the loopholes in the system that allows employers to sidestep providing their employees with quality heath care. Guidelines for defining full time and part time....different levels of affordable insurance available for each...with the option for the employee to contribute to an upgrade in the level of insurance. (if you make healthcare affordable [in more than just NAME only] by bringing operating costs down then everyone can TRULY afford it) That sound reasonable?
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 18:44:29 +0000

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