So camp has ended and we’re all back to our daily cycle of life. - TopicsExpress


So camp has ended and we’re all back to our daily cycle of life. But for some of us, the post-camp-syndrome has yet to leave us. Its such a wonderful feeling (for me at least) to be in the community of believers, to worship as one voice together, to see ppl praying for one another at the most random moments, to “compete” not for points like in other FOCs, to trust that when we share we are not judged by the world’s standards (hopefully =p). God is so powerful. Coming from a bit more of a conservative and theologically-enforced background, I’m always very cautious when I say/ see others claim that “this is a miracle from God”, etc because I fear the mindset that I end up dividing ‘what God does’ and ‘what naturally happens’. God being sovereign already means everything that happens is under His control, both what we deem as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ alike. Everything that happens is under God. =) Not to doubt that God does wonders and miracles too, but I always feel the need to be very careful lest the ‘God only gives good things. Good things = what I define as good’ mentality. That being said, this camp has shown me God’s hand at work so powerfully. The haze barely missing S’pore 2 days before the camp was in itself a miracle. The haze issue forced all activities to be in aircon due to rules and regulations by NUS. But the fact that we got the Science Faculty rooms and Lecture theatres for the VCF Voyage from a contact who told us that it was almost not possible was also another miracle (we got it FREE btw. That means no added burden cost to the FOC comm). The central library station for the Voyage was also a last minute miracle after conversing with the librarian because that room was not for students to use! The rain itself came at the most appropriate timings over the 4 days of camp so that it was always ‘just nice’ timing! I’m sure there are many more such experiences during the camp, but the point is that God was working among us so mightily so that we could be blessed by the camp experience. OG4 has been a beautiful experience for me. =) Somehow I entered this camp with a lot of things on my mind and felt that I could not lead well. Humbling experience reminding that it is not me, bt God who leads. I am a vessel. Thank God for each one of you who have opened your life to me in one way or another. For the HTHT moments, lame jokes, prayers for one another, suppers tgt. As much as we may have different backgrounds, I guess we are at the end still all brothers and sisters in Christ, so dun dao if u mt in sch kay! =p (unless u rli naturally dao de) To the FOC comm. For their endless service of running the camp and all the ridiculous work and planning and sleeping on cold hard floors and lack of sleep and last minute scrambles and arranging transport and food for us. To the OGLs who step out of their comfort zone and characters to lead and serve the team and initiate sharing by willing to be vulnerable and open first. To the prayer warriors who pray in the background non stop and fervently. To the seniors who came back for Faculty night after a busy day of work and tiredness. To the many ppl who serve and help in the background without recognition by helping to carry logistics, cleaning up, preparing game stations. A big thank you to you all for your spirit of excellence and heart of servanthood! =) Let’s continue to be a unified body of Christ and always jio one another! -Samuel Yeun #58
Posted on: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 08:42:12 +0000

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