So, for #TeaserTuesday, Im going to share a passage from MAKE IT - TopicsExpress


So, for #TeaserTuesday, Im going to share a passage from MAKE IT RIGHT, out 9/9! This is a companion novel to MAKE IT COUNT, but can be read as standalone. Christina Lee, author of the Between Breaths series, had this to say about MAKE IT RIGHT: Lea is the perfect strong, sassy, and independent heroine to Max’s sarcastic and arrogant front. But as they chip away at each other’s vulnerabilities, it’s plain magic to watch their relationship unfold. I laughed out loud at Erickson’s trademark humor and then swooned as Max finally found his own redemption. Enjoy the teaser! ** Lea took a deep breath and then turned back to shelving books. She ran her fingers over the worn spines, smoothing peeled tape. She knew she deserved the best. But the problem was she didn’t trust anyone to give her the best. She’d dated, sure, but she was like a cat. Everything always had to be her idea—where they went, what they did, how soon they kissed and slept together. Which was why she dated … meeker men. Beta men. Not alphas or aggressors like Max. She didn’t want to have to fight for control. She wanted it all. Max challenged her. Made her feel out of control. Not just his size but his domineering personality. And yet that’s what drew her to him, attracted her, made her wonder if she could get her hands on that attitude and that flesh and mold him … oh shit. She shook her head and slammed another book on the shelf. Screw Max with those warm eyes and big body and perfect smile. Screw him. She’d never let him get the upper hand. Ever. ** Apparently I like foreshadowing, haha. The link to MAKE IT RIGHT on Goodreads is in the comments. :)
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 16:47:41 +0000

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