So for anyone out there who wasnt smart enough to pick up on the - TopicsExpress


So for anyone out there who wasnt smart enough to pick up on the bombshell (fair enough, Donkey has tried to guide yall sheep into the heard. Remember whenever John Key was interviewed about the GCSB (such as the Campbell Live interview which I have backed up for evidence for myself), he said it was just meta data (the time and place you send an email) that GCSB was tracking and sending to NSA??? Well tonight Edward Snowden and the anon leaker of the powerpoint proves that actually the GCSB also spies on the CONTENT of peoples data (ie. All your emails, all your personal account details ect). The proof was the powerpoint (showing the progress into the operation that Edward Snowden knows all about) and the email. Now you may question the source of this so called evidence, but the real reality is that you can question the source for ANY evidence.. A phone call, a photo EVEN A VIDEO!!! even if John Key was to find evidence in defence, even that could be mocked up just like this could. The fact is, why would these people spend all this time to prove an issue they are so passionate about letting everyone know about. I mean the chances of that email and powerpoint being mocked up wouldnt make sense after all the classified documents Edward Snowden has posted that officials have had to admit were the truth.. At one point, someone from congress actually publicly said Edward Snowden should be killed for what he has done.. Does that not scare you at least a bit?? I mean here we are with a guy working at the NSA who slowly begins to realise that the whole time, the government has been lying to the nation of America about their rights and privacy, and then gets sentenced to life in prison and even congress wanting him killed just cause he said the truth that the government were lying about.. This bombshell DOES effect ALL OF NEW ZEALAND PEOPLE because Snowden has confirmed after working at the NSA himself that New Zealand spy data includes content meaning Snowden could look into your email account back at NSA HQ in Hawaii!! and even worst, John Key has lied to us that whole time because there is a HQ working for NSA in Auckland, which Snowden let the country know about tonight. John Key would know at this level of spying (that has just been shown) if the GCSB was spying into the actual emails and content of peoples data because of his inevitable involvement and an office working for the NSA collection meta data right in Auckland as we speak. I just dont get why people think Edward Snowden has made up this stuff, Americas government actually had to admit to public about these thousands of leaked papers on sites like WikiLeaks when they came out, showing the lies the government made, and the actual truth, but right now they want to kill him for it because they know he released the truth and they didnt want to see him tell the truth to world. I would trust Edward Snowden a bit more than Seven Sharp or even the news/media atm for this very fact.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 11:17:23 +0000

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