So grateful for other women Ive connected with since starting our - TopicsExpress


So grateful for other women Ive connected with since starting our E3 Energy Evolved mission who see my soul for who I truly am on this journey, understand our immeasurable passion for sharing what Damian and I were brought together by the universe to share with this world, and who support me unconditionally. There are pieces of my 41 years that havent played out as I once expected so far, good or bad, but isnt that all our stories as women? Who thinks their post-wedded bliss if you ask them is going to be 7 years of fighting chronic illness, foreclosure, job loss, medical costs bankruptcy, two mid-life career changes, and completely starting over in your financial foothold with their best friend? Lol... we DEFINITELY didnt when Damian carried me over the threshold in his arms into our wedding reception, but we take our vows seriously, & we manned up together, side by side, through it all. If you asked my 10 years ago, there are pieces to how ours 30s and 40s played out I would have seen it all differently, both Damian and I saw our 30s starting our family in our new home with the typical 2 dogs, corporate jobs, pension plans, but the universe had other plans for our life path where I was pulled into deep turmoil in my body for a long period, we fought hard to pull my body out of the abyss, we saw deep opportunities to create something that would help others on the same journey, so despite the deep financial rut that put us in to overcome, we still chose to make our lives from that point about returning to school to become educators and mentors to bring that creation to life serve other women to not only avoid the same pitfalls, but to up-level their skills and know-how to beat them potently. But, if you had also asked my 10 years ago, I wouldnt have guessed my husband and I would become published internationally, that Id earn the title of national level competitive natural athlete, that Id be sharing my purpose with my husband in a business serving others. We all have ideas or notions for our life that may or may not follow the exact plan wed foreseen for our lives in our teens & twenties, and our challenge is to make peace with how our life plays out according to the universes plan, to learn to accept ourselves and other women, no matter what our path played out as, and instead of judging ourselves or one another harshly for it as women, uplift ourselves & other women regardless of the differences in our paths with love and acceptance. Our choosing right now to not start our own family yet, for those who understand the financial, time & resource path that is starting a mission to serve this world on a greater level, and sacrificing that to be there to help other women have bodies that are physically balanced and well enough to have their own truly healthful children, is actually a very selfless choice. I am not less of a woman because Im choosing right yet to not have children to help other women have their own babies more successfully and healthfully through the work we do today. I am a selfless woman, living my true purpose unapologetically, setting aside choices that wouldnt be fair to my baby, my business, the women we serve today, our future, my husband, and my own health, with where we are at yet today. Thank you for this reminder this morning, Esther Blum during our chat, that we need to each FULLY OWN our own journeys & not be swayed by others where we feel judged. Love you lady, and all youre doing. Thanks for being there for me as who I am. I am living my dream, my passions, and deep purpose, and Im living and sharing that journey with my best friend, an amazing, caring man who lifts me up to become a better woman in everything Ive set out to achieve personally, professionally and athletically, and we share incredible wellness and a love affair with food, movement, healing and the human body, and that is a deeply fulfilling journey. Celebrating 41 blessed years this week with peace & gratitude in my soul, for all the gifts, AHA-moments, the highs, the lows, the surprises, unexpected life plans and achievements, the immeasurable challenges weve overcome as #teamdube, the priceless creations were still birthing and sharing with this world to leave a legacy of change far after were gone & all thats still on my journey as a SERVANT HEART to other women for the amazing spiritual, mental & physical journey we all have the opportunity to experience in the human body. #gratitude #thisis41 #happybirthdayme #celebratinglife #womenneedtostopjudgingwomenatfacevalueandgodeeper #chooselovenotjudgement #liveyourpurposeunapologetically
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:40:35 +0000

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