So having returned from a very costume-driven weekend,Ii am - TopicsExpress


So having returned from a very costume-driven weekend,Ii am pleased to share I heard this specific topic raised more than once, because i think it matters and because it is about the character, quality and inclusivity of our community. It will probably become a conversation in the Burning Flipside unofficial Burning Flipside Flipizens group, but I thought we might get a head start here, between us friends. So here is the deal: Native American Headdresses are not fashion, nor are they costume. If I saw a man or woman at Flipside wearing a clerical collar I would assume that they were A) a priest or B) a parody of a priest. But I think that because American history has so stereotyped an American Headdress as the exotic costume of the Indians in frontier mythology that it is separated from its sacred meaning. So some modern Americans just see costume. The headdress is neither worn as an honorific or even as parody. I like to assume the best of peoples intentions and not embarrass anyone, but I would encourage people to eliminate the headdress from your wardrobe or at least take responsibility for the fact you are parodying an actual culture attached to real people and understand that there ate consequences for those actions. So unless you have earned your place in Native American community that has honored you with a headdress then just replace that costume please. apihtawikosisan/hall-of-shame/an-open-letter-to-non-natives-in-headdresses/ Let me lay down some rules here: 1) I insist we assume the best of each other if anything has to be assumed. 2) I delete comments at will that I am concerned are ill willed, or come across as mean in any way.
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 23:25:32 +0000

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