So here is a highly simplistic view of things - Do you like - TopicsExpress


So here is a highly simplistic view of things - Do you like living where everything you produce goes to the masses? Live in socialism. Do you like living where the best of what you produce goes to the government and the selected few? Live in communism (or DC of late). Do you like to relegate everything to a supreme being (who is just as human as you)? Live in a dictatorship. Do you like living where there are no restrictions to what you do or can become? Live in a democracy. Do you worship Jesus Christ, or Mohamed, or Buddha or The Goddess? Wouldnt it be great if we were allowed to choose where we could live and enjoy any of these choices and more? But this begs the question - Why do some cultures/nations/INDIVIDUALS feel they have the right to tell others how to live their lives? It happens here in America, the supposed land of the free home of the brave. But we have Feminazis (yes a term borrowed from Rush) that want a law that men cannot ride the subway with their legs NOT crossed. Male dominance on display they say. When someone looses their child because the kid was stupid and did something stupid and got run over by a car all kids must now look like the cowboy after OSHA. (I have coached youth ice hockey for 21 years now, so dont even try to get on my case about youth getting hurt!) YOU have chosen to be a vegetarian and FORCE McDonalds to have vegan choices on their menu. You want some radio guy off the air because you disagree with what he says. You want a restaurant closed because its owner has views you dont agree with. When did I miss the memo that said that YOUR problems and views are my problems and views? I think soap operas are stupid and drain your brain power. I choose NOT to watch them, I DO NOT lobby for them to be removed from the viewing choices. I think Rap music is one of the main evils that causes major issues in this country. I choose NOT to listen to it but not lobby for its removal from the radio. I think Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are idiots that have out lived their usefulness and perverted Martin Luther Kings Dream. I DO NOT lobby they be banned from any media to spew their racist hatred (although I think we would be much better off if they were). I have a choice and I exercise that choice. Wouldnt it be nice if we all cold exercise our choice? I know, simplistic but I needed to get this out there. In the meantime, the NHL is on! See ya. (And if you dont like ice hockey, well that is YOUR problem and NOT mine! Hopefully you will come to your senses. But if you dont, exercise YOUR choice to NOT be in my company.) See ya......................................
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 22:14:18 +0000

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