So i want to talk to my kids, my lil cousins and all there lil - TopicsExpress


So i want to talk to my kids, my lil cousins and all there lil friends right now.... let me first start by saying... I LOVE YALL!!! I MEAN THAT WITH ABSOLUTE SINCERITY!! Now i am gonna tell yall some things you need to know cause that is what us older family and generations are supposed to do... Yall need to know that you are gorgeous young woman who deserve the best of everything in life, you deserve to be educated, protected, respected, pampered, set on a pedestal and loved above anything or anyone else outside of your children.... you dont deserve to be looked at or used as if you are only good for random one nighters or to be part of a list of side chicks or the main chic that gets cheated on.... it doesnt matter if your child shares DNA with that person or not... matter a fact that is all the more reason to be done with that person cause that means they dont mean you nor ther child any good and they conduct there lives thinking only of themselves.... Leave them alone... i am not saying move on to the next bad seed... i mean leave them alone and be with you and yours... there is a wonderful kind of peace that taking care of yourself and your kids with out all the excess trash and baggage piling up outside your door stickin up your house..There is a kind of self esteme that only you can obtain when you can think clearly about your wants your needs and your desires with out any one standing in your way.. (while i have that thought know your kids are never in the way they are there to give u a reason to never give up and make you stronger and keep you wanting more, they will never bring u down but cheer for you on your way up... it is their DNA DONOR that may somethimes hinder your growth and drag you down. Keep that in mind... kids are gids gift to make you work harder and to your potential).... Remember that it is not required to be with someone that is not for everone.... those fairytail stories that end in happily ever ever are books of lies... there is no such thing... if you invite and let someone into your life it needs to be someone who protects, respects and adores you and your children anything else is un acceptable!!! I can say all this be cause i have walked in all of your shoes and had sense and the will enough to take them off and put on a better pair... i was not always married i was a single parent with 4 kids on my own before i was a wife... i been abused (not for long mind u... i dont tolerate that for me or my kids and yes he shaired there dna but they were better off not knowing him in order to have stable loving childhood see at the end of the day my kids belong to me and i am responsible for there up bringing), i have been cheated on, lied on, had my triangles, hung out like wet cloths.... all that... But i never stopped trying on new shoes.... now with all that said... dont look for advice from those that are walking in your shoes, talk to someone that walked out of them... our family is big yall have options.. i for one am always here for all of yall... out of love and concern and because it is my duty as part of the older generation to teach you what i have learned... so yeah I dont have to look to facebook to vent only to get meaningless responses, just call one of us elders we are here for you its our job to guide you along your way. And remember that you are never without a man because Jesus is always on your side. So when you get real down and out instead of packing up and going to the club posse up and take each other to church in youll see how strong you really are with him. Anyway inbox me whenever you want hey call me whenever you need I love you guys and I mean that. Im always here dont ever forget it.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 13:11:24 +0000

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