So it has been a rough weekend and week so far this week! Friday - TopicsExpress


So it has been a rough weekend and week so far this week! Friday evening I had a terrible burning pain in my left upper thigh. By the time to go to bed it was red hot and hurt like crazy! I woke up Saturday morning and it hurt worse and was more red and in a bigger area. I went to work and thought I was dieing but didnt want to go home. At the end of my shift I got in the car and cried all of the way home. I hit the couch and didnt want to move cuz not the redness was half way down my thigh to my knee. It was hot as hell! I was getting kinda nervous. By the time I went to bed it was down to my knee. I woke up Sunday morning and had to go to work. I hated the idea of missing work so I went in and made it thru the next 4 hours then home crying again. Now the pain was behind my knee and red and swollen. I figured I would wait til Monday morning and call the Dr to see what to do. He sent me to the ER. After all sorts of test and too much blood taken from me they say it is a serious phlebitis and cellulitis from my groin to my ankle. I had to miss 2 days of work :( and am stuck on bed rest for 2 more days :( But that is better than staying in the hospital. ER Dr wanted to admit me but I promised to stay down. I am actually doing it! For those who know me you have to be surprised that I am behaving!!!! Now I am on this horrible antibiotic that hates my stomach!! Hopefully this will all heal quickly and I can get back to normal! As for the great news...Adam and Brittany will be home from Okinawa next week for good! Adam is getting out of the Marines and they will be home for good and having the baby here. I am so excited I can hardly contain myself! :) Sorry for my little rant. I just need to get back on my feet and back to work so I feel human again!!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 15:40:18 +0000

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