So just as I stated yesterday, this Government CANNOT and SHOULD - TopicsExpress


So just as I stated yesterday, this Government CANNOT and SHOULD NOT be trusted with the control of this countrys TREASURY,without STRINGENT checks and balances. After it was revealed in the media yesterday that ONE of the Armoured Vehicles (AVs) costs $65M TTD, suddenly its not 52 or 20 they will be purchasing, its now 6. However heres the other shocker. Initially the AVs were to be purchased for use by the Security Forces in the fight against crime. But when ppl like myself, who are knowledgable of the area and what it really entails to fight crime therein, speak out, SUDDENLY the purpose of the AVs have changed. Now they are for ESCORTING VIPs. WTF?? Where are we? In the West Bank or Faluja? In all my days of doing Escort Duties and Escort Training I have NEVER seen an AV being used to do ESCORT DUTIES in a peaceful nation. Firstly these vehicles are not designed for easy entry and exit, the doors are heavy and cumbersome. Secondly, the vehicles have a high center of gravity so that they cannot corner well at high speeds; how can one evacuate a hotzone quickly with a subject? So clearly, as usual this was not a properly thought of decision OR with their expressed intent to RAPE the TREASURY, this is just another FINANCIAL EXPENDITURE being used to fleece the nations coffers. Have you ever seen Pres. Obama (US) or PM Cameron(UK) being escorted by AVs? HELL NO!!!! The PPs rationale continues to baffle the normal mind as they go bumbling along their pattern of Governance of TRIAL & ERROR. Again, we see why there is need for TRANSPERANCY with all of their dealings, since their actions convey an attitude of I seeing what I could get before I go. First they said $500 for needy mothers for one year, when questions began to fly, Minister Howai says he hasnt ironed out the policies to state exactly how long it wiil be given. So then the Budget is a joke, because if he decides it should be 3 years, where is the $$ to carry out this plan coming from, since it wasnt catered for in the Budget? Now its the AVs, first to fight crime, now for escort. My question to them is who have they been consulting to come up with these far-fetched ideas; each day a decision is made just a little more ridiculous than the one made the day before. But time longer than twine, so for all their jerrymandering, they cant stop time. Dont beat up, its just my opinion.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:22:36 +0000

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