So last night at the apartment that my parents are currently - TopicsExpress


So last night at the apartment that my parents are currently paying $175 a week for, I had a friend pick me up from work and then park in the driveway of said apartment so I could collect my things before leaving. This took roughly twenty minutes. In that amount of time someone parked their car diagonal so they were consequently positioned halfway on the grass and halfway blocking the rear end of my friends car. Now, there are plenty of other spaces along the sidewalk that people are more than welcome to park at. This was done on purpose. So, being me, I left them a note letting them know that I was upset and that I shouldnt have to explain the cautionary hazards that this type of immature act can cause. If there were an emergency, and someone had to leave immediately... Common sense, right? I directed my friend safely out of the drive way and said P.S. Youre lucky I didnt hit your car. Youre welcome. Well, I come back to my apartment this morning to find that my land lady was the woman who did this. She was clearly upset. Why? Because she couldnt park in their other driveway on the other side of the house? Because she couldnt have come upstairs and knocked on my door for the car to be moved? Because she couldnt have parked elsewhere and waited until later to move her car? My parents pay $700 in a good month and $875 in a month with five weeks rather than four. If you have a problem with me letting my friend know its okay for them to park their car in the driveway for twenty minutes then lady you need to grow up. She says to me, are you giving me thumb young lady? If pointing out your immaturity and childishness is giving you thumb and not apologizing for anything, then yes I am. She tells me she shouldnt have to come upstairs to knock, but that I should have knocked on her door to interrupt her family dinner to let her know she wanted to play childish games and park her car in front of someone elses and that I shouldnt have wasted my time writing two notes to make sure she would see them. Cute. You live with your mom and either are or arent employed. You never make it clear. Your income is from the tenants who stay here that pay you up the ass. That chip on your shoulder that caused you to consciously choose to do something so childish? Get over it. And grow up. End of rant.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 12:14:39 +0000

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