So let me be honest with you. I havent exercised in about weeks (I - TopicsExpress


So let me be honest with you. I havent exercised in about weeks (I know...the world is going to end, right....). The reason being, Austin and I have been in the process of moving into our new home. And for all of you who have moved before in the past, you know the stress thats involved. So amongst the packing, cleaning, moving, closing cost and lawyers plus working a full time and part time job, I consciously allowed exercise to take the back seat. And heres the past I would stress myself out and those around me in order to fit my routine in. I remember the anxiety that went along with that and looking back now I see how counter productive it was. Sometimes the stress associated with that mindset is not worth it. Yes, I understand the discipline with sticking to a routine no matter what however, in this case I chose to listen to my body who was telling me to rest. Its important not to ignore that request. Also, there is a difference between being lazy and resting. Laziness is more mental while rest is more physical. Be mindful of that difference. Rest allows the body to grow stronger and more focused. Dont be afraid to rest especially when youre getting strong signals from your body to do so. Go hard then go home......and take a nap.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:53:44 +0000

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