So, let me see if I understand what has happened here. The - TopicsExpress


So, let me see if I understand what has happened here. The traitors in government changed our stable money system in 1913 into a fiat money system in which we pay interest to the Zionist banksters to print our own money. The Zionist banksters always print too much currency which deflates the value of the currency and thus robs Americans of their wealth. As the Americans become poorer and poorer, they have less money for travel, including the purchase of gasoline for their cars and trucks (and thus payment of the highway taxes). So, with less tax revenue coming into the governments coffers, the governments solution is not to get rid of the Zionist banksters and thus increase the value of the American money system - naw, that would be the right thing to do - but they choose to double the gasoline tax on the already poor American victims of government fraud and corruption. Now, that sounds like more fraud and corruption to me, not helping the American people at any level at all. Can anyone show me examples of where this Zionist controlled crime syndicate we call the federal government has done ANYthing to help the American people in the last fifty or one hundred years? And we keep the federal government for what reason? To milk us of ALL of our money? Were getting pretty close to the bottom of the barrel today. How about we shut down the feds and just rely on state governments? How about them apples?
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 18:07:35 +0000

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