So many struggle with fears of all sizes.. What one may consider - TopicsExpress


So many struggle with fears of all sizes.. What one may consider a small fear the other person may consider it a huge fear. Fear is fear regardless. It can paralyze you from moving forward into your destiny, dream and goals. it can deceive you into believing there is no can cause you to second guess your passion. It can stop you from facing your inward issues. it can turn your once peaceful heart into a heart full of anxiety. It will use you and abuse you until it completely controls you and has you flat on your face wanting to give up. But Jesus can deliver you from any fear that is in your life right now at this very moment. David experienced fear..even though he was anointed and called by God he knew what fear felt like. If he were in this culture we might want to pop a pill in his mouth to calm his nerves. He was desperate and crying out to God to deliver him, to help him...and in time, God delivered him from his FEAR... Do not allow your fear to keep you there...its not over! Keep on going on! Psalm 34:4 I sought The Lord, He heard me and delivered me from my fears.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 19:24:16 +0000

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