So my doorbell rang this morning before lunch. I was getting ready - TopicsExpress


So my doorbell rang this morning before lunch. I was getting ready to feed Wren, so I thankfully had the wherewithal to instruct Odell NOT to open the door, as my kids often do this without me before I can stop them, so I could get situated and get Tuff in his kennel before I answered it. As soon as I opened the door, a short skinny guy with an orange plaid button up shirt big enough to hit his knees and a scruffy goatee starts to try to walk into the house without even looking at me and says, Hey, is my sister here? I stood in the doorway and stopped him coming in and said, Ah no...I think you have the wrong house. He glanced up at me and said, Okay, then turned around and got back in his car and took off. Locked the doors after that and made the decision to just call the sheriffs office and let them know what happened. I am the last person to profile someone for an honest mistake, but the fact that he tried to walk in my house before he even saw who I was and the fact that he was looking at everything in my house over my face made my mama-bear instincts turn on. Could have been an honest mistake, Im cool with that, but has anyone else had an experience like this in or outside of town? Just curious...
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 21:08:49 +0000

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