So my ole gurl Lady bug is so energized by our newbie Brody---she - TopicsExpress


So my ole gurl Lady bug is so energized by our newbie Brody---she got her treats but continued to TALK and prance and growl at me. I knew the signs. She wanted to W-A-L-K--I spell cause if I ever speak it she is tearing the door down. Got myself up- said the WALK word and newbie Brody went ballistic---took me 5 minutes to get his leash on. So on a scenic walk through the golf community I live in and about 20 minutes in-----a DANG WABBIT crosses our path!! Brodie broke out running and almost hung himself. Now--he and Lady are so BLACK that I have lighted collars on them!!! One Red and one Blue. So imagine my surprise as I am left with an EMPTY RED collar and Brodie (a spaniel) chasing after a WABBIT!! Lady and I took off after him---into da woods being slapped in the face--knocking down small trees----yelling Brody STOP--SSSSTTTOOPP!! He was on da scent. Granted it had rained all day and I was in my flimsy scrubs and my adrenaline racing at 4 times its normal-----We went through heavily wooded areas at dusk with a BLACK as ACES spaniel looking for a Rabbit. I had to tie up Lady to a tree and keep on truckin it!! Brody finally got so deep into the wooded areas he decided to backtrack his scents---and I was in tow 50 yards behind!! SOAKED!! He got back to where Lady was (200 yards into da woods and tied to a tree) and kept on going to where he first saw the WABBIT!! I finally caught up within 20 feet of him and threw the RED flashing collar at him. HE froze. WHEW! I inched up to him on my dang knees and got his collar on. Now I had to go back and follow the BLUE collar in to the woods with Lady barking to find HER!---all the while knowing I had lost my NEW cell phone to which I found!!!! Miraculously!! In the dusk of night at 720 pm!!! I was not as wet from woods as I was adrenaline from SWEAT at the thought of loosing my Brody!! Took me 45 minutes to settle and I did not scold Brody!! Think was lesson I will not repeat. Halter collars from here on. I laugh now, but I was a worried Daddy for 15 minutes.!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 03:29:50 +0000

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